Monday 27 November 2023

Living dangerously...?

So Gail has bought herself a cosy new winter coat, and her ten year old dirt-coloured dog walking jacket has been consigned to the Oxfam pile. 

She tells me all her friends have been complimenting her on the purchase, saying what a nice cheery colour orange it is. 

Well I must say I was a bit surprised when I saw she'd made the 'brave' decision to wear this coat for the Aberdeen'n'shire monthly fox terrier walk yesterday. 

It struck me as a high risk strategy but I kept my thoughts to myself. The planned walk was along the muddy riverside track leading to the ruins of Fetternear Bishop's Palace. Maybe Gail would be lucky and none of us fox terriers would run through the puddles and then leap up and leave pawprints on her still pristine outerwear. 

In the event, we foxies (Agatha, Rupert, Merin, Jinx, tall newcomer Otis and myself) were all having such fun rampaging around and jumping all over each other that we more or less let the humans alone.

And the bright new coat remains miraculously pawprint free. For now, at least...


  1. Well - Gail is 'hi-vis'. You might have a point Nobby about mud-coloured clothing being more appropriate for dog-walking, but 'practical' can also be incredibly boring. Maybe you should just practice setting a good example and tell all your friends how much you admire the pristine condition (and colour) of Gail's new coat.

    1. Gail replies: Nobby is being a tad disingenuous in this post. Of all the dogs present on Sunday morning, he is by far the most likely to jump up and imprint his paws on my coat...

  2. we love orange... it is the new black ... so it needs pawprints, right?

  3. It's good to have colour in the darker days of winter.

  4. Wow, Gail's new coat really is a super colour, and it's easy to spot her in photographs. Nobby, don't you dare jump up and spoil it with your muddy paws.
    I know that mud-colour is the best for a dog walking coat, but it's not much fun because you can't leave your paw marks, um, even if you're not supposed to jump up! I'm still practising not to!
    Paca xx

  5. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, knowing me as you do, you might surmise that I love Gail's new coat colour!!! It looks grand on her and definitely warms one up just to see it - so I hope the wearing of it certainly does. Though human coats can never quite equal the thermal qualities of your fine furs... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. We are so happy that Gail kept her new coat clean - at least this time☺ It is a beauty and we love the color!

  7. My walking Beau sweatshirt w/hoody, is orange and I wear it to guard against a crazy driver running us down while speeding through stop signs. blood stains worse than mud. I love the coat and you and your pals were good to leave it spotless. for now! all of you look so happy and bouncy. Nothing like a good romp.

  8. Gail looks great in her new coat. We're happy to hear it survived its first outing with your gang, but we bet it won't be paw print free for long. BOL!

  9. Ohhhhh I love the bright and happy orange coat. Thank goodness the WFT pack kept their muddy paws on the ground. Love the photos x 87
    hugs Cecilia

  10. Catching up - we do think Gail is selling you short. Sometimes we are late bloomers or have hidden talents. Second, we think that gathering looked like a great deal of fun. Gail has selected a very bold colour for a coat, however, in walks in the woods, she should not be in danger of hunters. Hope you are boht well. Lee and Phod

  11. I say, that's smart. I confess I had a similarly colored coat, for night-time dog walks, And I used to announce to my husband that the Giant Tomato was about to leave with the dog.

  12. And I just notice the excellent zipper and (essential) snaps!

  13. Orange...around here right now that is very useful...deer hunters won't think you are their next target. Hope it is good and warm against all the wintry weather that is sure to come...we got that here, we didn't go foraging for moles in our yard, BOL!

  14. We love seeing you playing with all your friends Nobby!!
    Rosy and Sunny

  15. That looks like so much fun, running with the pack!!!


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