Wednesday 29 November 2023

It wisnae me!

Further to Monday's post...

Surely it doesn't take a forensics expect to deduce that the dog who, yesterday morning, left this mark on Gail's hitherto pristine new coat, has much bigger paws than any fox terrier we've ever met. 

Beyond doubt the culprit was Fergus, the exuberant ten month old Labrador whom we meet in the park most mornings. He is a VERY NAUGHTY DOG.


  1. yes... it was fergus... or da nelly... he has ginormous fire swatter paws too

  2. Obviously, he was very pleased to see you.

  3. Yes, definitely Fergus - Carol knows all about exuberant Labrador pup's mucky paws! Mine are just dusty, so easier to clean off.
    Paca xx

  4. Couldn't have been you Nobby - too much respect for Gail's coat - and could you even reach that high anyway? oh, that's right you bounce don't you...

    1. Nobby replies: on a good bounce day (which is pretty much every day) I can reach Gail's shoulders!

  5. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby... does Fergus know you snitched on him??? I do hope that those prints can be rubbed away once dry... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Gail feels that Nobby calling another dog VERY NAUGHTY is a classic case of 'pot, kettle, black'...

  6. he he he on pot, kettle, black... that is a huge paw print! i am assuming very naughty is one notch up from naughty, which is ok because Fergus is more than one notch bigger ... at least he doesn't chase or try to bite you like PRINCESS next door

  7. Oops - your beautiful new coat. Into the washer it goes!

  8. Nobby, have created a new measure for levels of naughtyness! I believe the jury is still out on deciding which dog is the real culprit.....

  9. Whew Nobby I was sitting on the edge of my chair hoping and purring it was not you. I expect puppy Fergus is so adorable all was forgiven
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. At least you weren't the culprit for the initiation of Gail's new coat to some dirty paws. We expect that you will get your chance to add to the collection of dirt someday soon, Nobby. BOL!

  11. Yep, definitely Fergus...or maybe a bear...better yet, a wolf!
    Definitely not you though!
    Rosy and Sunny

  12. That's why petcretary buys outerwear that can be wiped off...but the white one she got once, well lets just say, never again! The good coats are reserved for non doggy activities...

    But Fergus you say??? Hmmm...I thought you were a good jumper, Nobby? Did Gail talk to him for his take on this muddy affait?

  13. It is a very snappy looking coat, but it's like getting the first dent in a new car, you just gotta get it over with because it's going to happen eventually, right?
    and yes, blame the Labrador!

    Rosie and Redford


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