Wednesday 22 November 2023

Asleep on the job?


"What kind of a guard dog are you Nobby?"

That's what Gail asked yesterday when she returned from coffee with her friend Sheila. 

Where to even begin with the unfairness of this implied criticism?

Well first of all, why was I not invited to the café rather than being left home alone. Gail's excuse, that the only nearby eaterie open on a Monday is not dog-friendly, seems to me a poor one.

Then there's the deeper question of my role in life. Guard dog indeed!  Who said? That strikes me as a distinctly lower class occupation (one might as well say 'bouncer'). I think 'privileged companion' better describes my position in our household. And if you want to call me 'high maintenance', well I see nothing wrong with that, at all.

But even if we accept the contention that I should be keeping an eye out for intruders, then I most certainly want to refute any idea that I was "asleep on the job". Surely we all know by now that, whatever my apparent state of rest, it only takes the sound of distant footsteps moving towards the biscuit tin and I am instantly on high WFT alert.  

I can't believe any of my friends have ever been accused of dereliction of duty with so little justification. 


  1. It does seem a little unfair, especially when you recognised Gail's footsteps and knew you didn't have to bark a warning as any good companion would in the event of strangers approaching,
    That is an adorable photo of you, though.

  2. even when we sleep ... our senses and antennas are always on duty ;O)

  3. Coiled spring. Mr B asserts when similarly caught out that he is watching TV (through firmly closed eyelids methinks). Mr T could nap through anything and be instantly and completely awake (and moving) when required.

  4. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby... I will just say that I suspect Gail of stealth approach... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. You got tired of waiting for Gail's return and you only closed your eyes for a moment!

  6. Nobby, that seems most unfair to me. From your pose you look as though you are not asleep, but merely debating some inner conundrum that requires total concentration. Yet you remain alert!
    Paca xx

  7. Well Spoken, Nobby! When the photo came up I started sing the old song, How much is that doggy in the window, I do hope that doggy's for sale. HA HA on that, we all know Gail would not sell you. We also know that you are ON Guard, all the time, and if someone came up outside that window GAIL WOULD KNOW. we think you are more of an ALARM dog, instead of the word Guard. I used the drawer sliding open that contains the cheese for Beaus morning pill, to get him off the pillows this morning, because I wanted to put the pillow cases in the wash. he was sprawling out on two of them. walk to fridge, open door slide drawer open and there he was, before I could blink. Beau shares the Alarm Dog title with you unless someone needs guarding from kisses. ha ha

  8. NOBBY OMDs well said my friend.
    Perhaps if Gail wants you to be a guard dog she should hide all the valuables in the biscuit tin.
    I adore your photo

  9. Sometimes when our mom comes home from shopping, and we are home with our dad, she can walk all the way in the house before we realize she is home. To be fair we are usually in the master bedroom which is on the opposite end of the house to the back door (and on the second floor) and if the TV is on it is difficult to hear activity at that end of the house. So, we too have been accused of poor guard dog duties on these occasions.

  10. Goodness! You are not a working breed so you might remind your Gail of that! We like the description of priviledged companion! We would use that if we could, but unfortunately, we ARE a working breed. (working a getting treats?)

    Rosie and Redford

  11. Sheesh!! We know better Nobby!!!
    Sunny and Rosy

  12. You are very smart. You make them think you are sleeping in when they try to come in and rob you, you react with tiny paws of fury.


We love it when you woof back!