Monday 14 August 2023


Those of you who read last Friday's blog post will doubtless have been worrying all weekend about whether or not I found some dogs to play with after I took you on a tour of the Duthie Park flower beds. 

Friends, no need to fret any longer. The good news is that I did! 

Gail describes my play style as "enthusiastic" and "boisterous". 

It is true that when I spot a dog across on the other side of the park, I race across the grass at warp speed and jump all over them, tail wagging ferociously. 

But I would like to point out that if I realise the other dog is old, or grumpy and not in the mood for play, I do in general back away these days. (I didn't when I was younger).

Sometimes my approach forces what I believe, in the world of wrestling, is known as a submission. For some reason, Gail tends to attach my lead and drag me away if I am standing directly on top of a dog who is lying on his back. 

Oh and by the way, I do still steal other dog's balls. Why wouldn't you? 


  1. Your approach sounds like Gilbert's, Nobby, though he goes strangely deaf at such times, too. I think you are what is known as an 'alpha' dog - a strong, confident character. Good to see you having fun - I was worried ;-)

    1. Gail replies: And to think, when I first met Nobby I had the impression he was the timid one of the litter!

  2. we do that too... so have a ball, no matter if it is yours or not :O)

  3. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, not just dogs, but it appears you found an Ewok to play with too... 😂... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. What a wonderful area to romp with so many friends, Nobby! hummm - I'm not sure if I'd steal someone else's ball as I have never been in that situation before. I have found them along my walkies but never pick them up.

  5. What fun you had Nobby! You'd be disappointed here though - there aren't many balls left to steal. I've chewed most of them into submission! Carol says that's not what they are for but she just keeps throwing them away and expecting me to bring them back. Where's the fun in that? I'm waiting for a chance to terrorise the rubber ball that's got a flashing light inside, but it's a bit frightening when I go near it.
    Paca xx

    1. Hi Paca,
      It sounds like you're settling in well and I'm sure you'll be having fun with the flashy ball soon enough!

  6. we are happy to see you found a whole pack to play with. I am thinking when you took thier ball, they raced after you to get it back... that is the point of the park, playtime for you,Nobby.

  7. Nobby you (and your play mates) made me smile a great big smile this morning.
    Very happy to learn you have reached the age to recognize signals sent by new friends. BOL BOL BOL stealing their ball is a way to invite play
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. You sure found lots of friends to play with, Nobby. It's too bad Gail has to spoil your fun by putting your leash back on though. BOL!

  9. So cool that you have playmates to zoom around with! And with no fence? You all are good dogs! Your Gail asked why Redford went to daycare and Rosie didn't last week---well, it's for exactly that reason. Redford is a crazy boy and often needs to get his ya-yas out and the only safe place for hime to do that in the summer is inside in the AC at daycare! And really, sometimes Rosie just needs a break from that Redford!

  10. Your little friend with the Teddy Bear face and black lipstck is very cute, but doesn't exactly project 'robust' and confident'. Doesn't Gail give you a ball of your own? Or are you the kind to drop it absentmindedly when you see one you could steal (borrow)?

    1. Nobby replies: I am not interested in a ball unless it belongs to another dog!

  11. What a great group of new friends you found Nobby! Sunny and I are forever stealing the same ball(toy,bone or whatever) the fun is trying to keep it away from the intended "ball owner", or at least it is here. BOL
    Rosy and Sunny

  12. I knew you would be the most popular Nobby there


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