Monday 19 June 2023

Early morning fetch

We have another visitor this week. (Who knew Gail was so popular?)

This one is called Helen and I have been teaching her the rules for playing 'early morning fetch' in our back garden.

1. This game is best played before breakfast and it is allowed for the human to be wearing their pyjamas.
2. Prior to engaging in the game, the human must of course have grabbed a handful of tasty treats as well as a suitably fetchable toy.
3. The human throws the toy across the garden while saying 'fetch'.
4. I chase after the toy, maybe pick it up, put it down again and then run back to the human demanding my treat.
5. It is to be hoped that the visitor does not insist in playing the game according to Gail's rules, which require that I actually carry the toy back to human before being given the treat. That version of the game is boring. The human should do their share of the fetching.

Helen is staying with us for a week, and I am hoping to teach her some more games before we are through. 


  1. Well, I've learned something new Nobby, I didn't know that if someone throws a ball or a toy, you had to bring it the tennis ball to her.
    Hope you have many good games and lots of treats.

  2. wow that is a fab photo.. you can start like a rocket ;O)

  3. Nobby, the game goes on longer if you take the toy back to the human. In fact, it could go on all morning - just think of the number of treats you'd be given!

  4. Another fun playmate for you, Nobby!

  5. I, the Tigger, am firmly of the view that if humans throw something away, they don't want it, and fetching is counter-productive. We wouldn't have thought you were the retrieving kind of k9 anyway, so we approve your version of the rules. Good shot of you springing off the mark - are you that quick off the mark after rodents? paw smacks Mr T

  6. Look at you, dashing for the toy... Beau fetched for the joy of chasing it again, maybe you should try that. remember the Orange Thang? throw it, bring it back, throw it bring it back. he misses that so much. he wishes he could run like you do. have fun with your visitor, enjoy it while you can.

  7. Nobby no surprise at all that Gail (and you) are so popular. If we didn't live 87,000 miles from Scotland we'd put out name on the reservation list too
    Helen seems to be a quick study.
    Happy Visit
    Hugs cecilia

  8. It looks like you're enjoying your version of fetch, Nobby. We like any game where we get lots of treats.

  9. Rosy totally agrees with your version of the game, Nobby...but I, Sunny, say bringing it back....and then a playing a little game of tuggy before fetching the toy again is also a great way to play the game!
    Rosy & Sunny

  10. Hi friend, Ojo here! You look very athletic! Your rules are good ones! Who needs to carry the toy? You are a Terrier. You should be catching and killing, not carrying! Silly humans!

  11. BOL, your version does sound like better exercise for da humans!


We love it when you woof back!