Friday 14 April 2023

Hidden in the woods


Isn't it fun to explore?

Being a terrier of limitless curiosity, I rarely fail to find something of interest, even on a modest local walk like the one we took on nearby Kincorth Hill last week. 

The gorse on the hill is now fully in bloom, so of course I stopped to sample the powerful and pleasing (to both humans and WFTs) aroma of coconut.

Then, while following up another scent in the grass (possibly one less attractive to Gail) I heard the sound of children playing the the woods.

Of course I had to investigate. It turns out they were building a den, with its own very special driveway. Gail asked if she could take some photos. The three youngsters, aged about eleven or twelve, looked at her with some suspicion, hesitated then agreed.

Gail thinks it was nice to see kids playing creatively outdoors in their Easter holidays. I am thinking I am glad we have a computer and a blog so I can share my adventures!

Please note there are literally millions of daffodils in bloom in NE Scotland at the moment, so there is no harm done if a few of them are pulled up!

Happy Nature Friday friends and thank you once again to our LLB Gang friends for hosting this always wonderful blog hop. 


  1. What a lot you found to interest you, Nobby - what fun your walk was.
    Indy xx

    1. Sadly, Indy was put to sleep this afternoon. The cancer in her leg had spread, and at 14 years of age it was the only option. Strong painkillers were no longer helping and she was in constant pain. So after a pleasant morning taking coffee with our friends at a favourite beachside café, I took her to our vet and held her in my arms while he administered a relaxant and then the final dose.
      I shall miss her so much, in the short time she was with me she stole my heart, was the best of companions and the sweetest girl.
      Carol xx

    2. Dear Carol,
      Nobby and I just returned from a lovely day out, only to read this very sad news. It's incredible how quickly one can become so fond of a canine companion, and I know dear Indy will be much missed. The closing chapter of her life was full of love and kindness and no dog or human could ask for better.
      Sending love and hugs,
      Gail xx

  2. That is a beautiful path. There are lots of dens in the woods round us, and even a fairy garden.
    Gorse seems to flower most of the year here in the soft south. You'd appreciate that, Nobby.

  3. we had the same thought... it is so good to see kids playing outside, without tablets or computer stuff... it is still possible to have fun without geek stuff LOL

  4. I am happy you mentioned there are millions of the daffodils, I was a tad upset to see them picked. here they are planted a few here and a few there in yards only. I am wondering if they grow wild where you are, like fields of them. they did a great job on the shelter building and a path to the door. I am wondering if at least one of the children was a girl? you have so much beauty when you wander. glad you did not find the smell Gail would not love... Coconut is one scent that doesn't bother my allergies and I love the smell

  5. You sure do have the best places to explore, Nobby! Love the daffy-lined path to the den!

  6. What a pretty place to go exploring on a walk. We love to find new places or visit old ones we haven't been to in a while.

  7. Nobby, I have never smelled gorse but F assures me the scent (particularly on a warm day) is just as you describe it. It looks like the perfect place for a small to medium sized animal to explore and hide. paw smacks Mr T

  8. It's always wonderful to see kids playing outside these days. What a beautiful idea to line your walkway with daffodils. Thanks for taking us along, Nobby.

  9. What a lovely discovery, Nobby! The daffodil lined path is a delight once I recovered from the shock of seeing them so extravagantly picked. So beautifully imagined by the children.

  10. Looking epic Nobby, we adored all your ameowzing pics today and what a spurr adventure!

  11. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, for half a second there I thought you had stumbled across a genuine fairy trail!!! How beautiful is all that yellow... it is the colour of my new wearable! Interestingly, I also have the smell of coconut in my schnozz. Not from gorse, but from the substituted toilet paper the COOP sent on Monday! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  12. Oh Nobby and Gail thank you so much for this most amazing photo of the creative fort and gorgeous walkway the children were building. What a thill to see their imagination at work!!! wonderful!! I love the walk way.
    Hugs and keep on dreaming children

  13. What a wonderful Fort!! We think it is wonderful to see children playing outdoors...We rarely see children playing on our walks!

    We are also glad you have a blog to share your most excellent adventures!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  14. What an amazing idea! I'm sure that after the kids who built that cozy house and the lovely flower path go home to bed, the fairies will be having a wedding there.

  15. To be a child with a child's imagination again.

  16. A "modest local walk"! We wish our local walks were so beautiful and full of adventure! Those kids are very creative, how fun to discover their fort!

  17. Oh Nobby ~ I made a special trip over here to see you ~ sweet photos of you having fun ~ always glad to see you ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. Lady is glad to see some kids were outside playing. She worries too many kids spend too much time inside (and adults too). She loves seeing our neighbour with a dirty face from playing in the mud. Thanks for sharing your lovely adventure. Lee and Phod (who are sorry we have not been around, but life has been a thing so to speak!)


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