Friday 24 March 2023

River path realignment

Back in Aberdeen this week, Gail and I took a gentle stroll along the river bank, from Duthie Park to Cults. 

The stroll might have been gentle, but the forces of nature were much in evidence. And not only in the wind that is blowing my ears aloft in the picture above.

Since last walking here, winter storms have flooded the path, toppled several trees and deposited new layers of sand where mud used to be.

Part of the path has now disappeared in the river, and when I started to show a bit too much interest in peering over the overhanging bank to the fast flowing water below, Gail decided it was time to clamp on my lead. 

But soon I was released again, and was scoping out a route through the trees while Gail photographed the debris swept up by the floodwater.

Before heading back I enjoyed one last session of grubbing around in newly exposed tree roots - always an excellent place for locating interesting smells and delaying the return home, I find.

Happy Nature Friday friends! I wonder if Nature has been remodelling your local landscape lately?

PS Yesterday I celebrated living with Gail for one whole year. She says it's been "quite the experience..."


  1. wow that was a super walk! we saw achange today too.. a beaver built a dam and the road is flooded... the ommunity workes will be happy that such things happen on a furryday when they want to go home earlier...

  2. Your river is so beautiful, Nobby, but I wouldn't even think of going for a swim! We have had a lot of rain lately and we have "ponds" where we never had them before. Mom is afraid this spring and summer there will be lots of mosquitos and ticks. Happy Gotcha Day, Nobby!

  3. Happy first year with Gail, Nobby - she seems to have survived quite well!
    That looks like a very interesting walk beside the river.
    That's something we don't have locally - they are all dried up and overgrown with bamboo. We do have a salt lake in town called Las Salinas, and right now there are Flamingos in the water. There is a path all the way round and this morning we took a gentle stroll around part of it. Carol has been all the way round, but sadly I can't go too far because of my poorly leg which hurts me when I use it too much.
    We also saw a WFT too, but it wasn't as handsome as you!
    Indy xx

  4. Wow, already a year! Time sure does fly by. The river walk looks very interesting. Nature does some weird stuff. We are always on leash, so be happy you can go off leash a lot.

  5. Nature does like to rearrange things from time to time. Do steer clear of sheer drops, Nobby. It's a good thing Gail is in charge.
    A whole year! Congratulations! It was Roxy's 8th birthday yesterday - she had extra carrots.

  6. A year Nobby.................time does truly fly when you are living and loving your bestest life E V E R with Gail and OMDs all the wonderful places you have seen and 87 wishes for years and years of keeping Gail on her toes.
    thank you for the beautiful river walk. Even when water is roaring pretty.
    Very thankful you restrained your urge to plunge
    Happy Weekend Cecilia

  7. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, that sure is the remodelling work of a master at it, good ol' Nature! But yeah, I certainly don't want to be reading any posts about you landing in rivers and Gail having to go into SAS mode... keep back from those dodgy banks, okay?! hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. this has been a very fast year. wow! how did you have your one year gotcha day? that first photo of you is so beautiful and the water looks wet enough to make me touch it.. excellent photos today of woods and you. no wild weather here but about half the USA is having extreme wild weather. when theirs calms down ours will ramp up for hurricane season. the plantet is rocking and rolling

  9. Happy Gotcha Day, Nobby! That was a fun walk you and Gail went on. Please don't get any ideas to jump in the river though.

  10. Happy Gotcha Day, Nobby!!!

    Such a beautiful hike....although a bit windy! It always amazes Mama how your terrain, and the terrain in our old stomping grounds of Humboldt County, California are so similar. They also had a big problem with rain washing out paths along the local Eel River!

    Enjoy the weekend!
    Rosy & Sunny

  11. Your mom takes you on some grand adventures. I love how adventurous you are. Just don't jump into fast flowing water.

  12. Even if your wore a life jacket, it would be quite foolish to jump intto that river. Gail Migt then never see you uagain...

    Happy Gotcha Day! Hope you had a hoopla of a dogabration!

    Nature was wrathful to many of our trees around here in Late Feb, early March. When we drive to town there are still beg messes of the felled trees or limbs. Some peeps had ruined cars or dwellings. Not to mwention all the doowned power lines.

  13. Oh Nobby ~ I love seeing your on your various hikes with Mom ~ Mother Nature can be tough ~ wonderful photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Congrats on your anniversary. How would you rate the effectiveness of you attempts to train Gail over this past 12 months? That is quite some flood your river made.

  15. A whole year already? Time sure does fly when you are having all those super adventures while growing up to be a big pup!


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