Monday 27 March 2023

Cruden Bay melee

Wire-haired Fox Terrier Roll Call, Cruden Bay, 26th March 2023:

Nobby - just wants to be your friend
Rupert - known trouble maker, big brother to Nobby
Merin - pretty bandana belies feisty nature
Stan - elder statesman, gentlemanly behaviour
Agatha -  petite, likes to mix it up with the boys
Jinx - a lively and fun wee lass
Edmund - relative newcomer, still finding his paws

A couple of days before the monthly Aberdeen'n'shire Foxie Walk, Gail and I met a couple on horseback, riding along the River Dee. They spotted me and stopped to ask if we were members of the local wire-haired fox terrier group. Gail said yes. It turned out they knew about it from a relative and loved looking at the FaceBook page, and said what a fun group to be part of. 

It is a fun group! Sometimes one takes these things for granted and it's good to be reminded how lucky we are. On Sunday the roll call at Cruden Bay beach numbered seven fox terriers and we all had a blast. (Literally, given the strong wind blowing straight from the Arctic.) Gail says you should be grateful she managed to take the pictures and video below, as she'd left her gloves at home and her not so tiny hands were frozen.


  1. What a fabulous place to run. Seeing a pack of dogs all of the same breed playing together is always a delight.

  2. oooh what a wonderful event... we love love love you all...

  3. What a beautiful beach you have to play on, Nobby, and how wonderful to get together with fellow WFT's. Good to see the video too, with you all running round enjoying yourselves.
    We're just back from a very sedate walk around the block.
    Indy xx

  4. What a beautiful spot for a meet-up and you got to play with so many other WFT's, Nobby!

  5. OMDs what a handsome bunch of WFT's who have very brave owners.
    I heard the wind howling in the video. I don't know how any of you managed to stay upright. I bet the water was a mite chilly too
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Oh Nobby, what a fun jumble and tumble you all had! And a grand sunny beach but I can feel the icy chill. Do make sure that Gail takes her gloves next time.

  7. seeing 7 dogs all alike together playing is awesome. My photographer brain LOVES the PHOTOS, awesome photos Gail. the shadow shots is magnificent! these would be beautiful framed and on a wall, and it would not have to be the owners that would enjoy them. I see ART in them, not just precious pups

  8. Hari Om
    Well, Nobby, I bet you (and pawssibly Gail) slept like rocks after such a bracing outing!!! I am glad to see that at least the sun shone upon you and no dumps from yon clouds... that would have made an entirely different set of shots! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. It looks like you all had a great walk on the beach. Thanks to Gail for braving the cold without gloves to bring us the pictures and video.

  10. Wow!!! We just loved watching you all having such a great time!
    Rosy & Sunny

  11. Nobby even that slightly haughty feline has to admit the you k9s look like a sociable bunch with an enhanced sense of fun. I can't imagine a group of my striped cousins going in for that - even in a more tropical setting. Paw smacks Mr T

  12. It sure was fun to see you and all your friends on that beautiful beach, Nobby!

  13. If the bay was a reservoir you would be a reservoir dog.


We love it when you woof back!