Monday 13 February 2023

You win some, you lose some...

 So Gail told me she'd ordered me a present online, to make up (her words) for my recent 'loss'.

I'll leave to my readers to decide what could possibly be appropriate compensation for a male dog forced to undergo 'The Snip'. Given my owner's woeful record on gift purchasing, I moderated my expectations, but I was still a bit annoyed and frustrated when we missed the delivery two days running, and so I  took up watch duty at the front window to make sure it was third time lucky. 

My vigilance paid off and I was impatient to find out what was in the package. 

A brand new bed! Well I must say it is very comfy, and stylish too. 

But you won't be surprised to learn that after over a week of on-lead restrictions, spending more time inside and lying down was not the first thing on my mind.

I'm pleased to report I finally regained my freedom on Sunday. The weather was mild and partly sunny and I enjoyed a lovely walk - well run, actually - in the woods at Ballogie Estate.

I had been hoping we'd be joined by our regular companions M and J, and was sorry to learn that M, so nimble and intrepid when out and about on our Aberdeenshire walks, had apparently stumbled over at home in the living room on Saturday night and had broken her arm. J called Gail from the Accident and Emergency Department to tell her the bad news. 

Gail and I send M our very best wishes for a speedy recovery.


  1. Oh, poor M - we hope the break mends quickly and she'll soon be back walking with you.
    That looks like a lovely new bed Nobby. I have to make do with a cushion from an old sunbed. It's quite comfortable and Carol has made me two very nice covers for it, but it's not the same as having a proper bed!
    There have been quite a few burglaries locally lately - including the house opposite and two others nearby. So this morning we are having the burglar alarm system updated and I've heard it's going to include cameras! I'm quite excited - just think, I might be on TV!
    Indy xx
    P.S from Carol - Even though I've told her she won't be on TV, Indy is ever hopeful - I think she longs for a career in show biz!

    1. Dear old Indy is famous at least in the comments section of this blog. How is she doing on her pain medication?

    2. Thank you for asking. I think I've finally found a way to get her to take her tablets, but they seem to take time to work. She seems quite cheerful - especially when she meets people and loves the fuss they give her. In the last two or three days we've managed two short walks each day - but nothing like the lovely long walks we took when I first had her. We'll just take each day as it comes.
      Carol xx

  2. Nobby, you are a lucky boy to have such a smart bed. It's good that you're able to run freely again - it's no fun being restricted to a lead.

  3. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, I must say, that bed looks grand indeed! It is good to see you prancing off leash again, though, and I add my very best wishes for M's arm to heal well. I admit I shuddered, remembering my own broken limb in not too distant memory and how easily such tumbles can happen in one's own home. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. That bed is absolutely the perfect size for you and it sure looks comfy! I am so happy to see that you are out and about and off the leash and can hop and jump and do all the things you love to do. I am so so sorry to hear about Em's accident. I find that it is easy to stumble over things in the house but so far I have not fallen and broken anything but it is something to think about.

  5. Oh Nobby I am so sorry about M's fall..sending her warm wishes for a speedy recovery.
    So the post man does knock 3 times! Coming home to a note on the door about a missed delivery is most aggravating. I think Gail's shopping was excellent. I loved how your WFT tail rudder was working overtime as you opened (destroyed) you packaging.
    Finally look at you flying thru the air with such glee
    Hugs cecilia

  6. That looks like a super comfy bed, Nobby. We have our paws crossed that M heals quickly and will be able to join you on your walks soon.

  7. We're glad to see that you're doing well, Nobby! Sorry to hear about your friend's broken arm, though. Hope it mends quickly.

  8. We send M lots of AireZen and healing vibes! What a pretty new bed and so stylish, Nobby. You certainly do look happy to be running free once again!

  9. Such a snazzy bed. And it matches both rugs in your home! Clever Gail. I am, indeed, sorry to hear about M and wish her as painless and speedy recovery as possible.

  10. What a comfy looking bed Nobby, we bet it came in handy after your run!

    We sure hope M is feeling better soon!
    Rosy and Sunny

  11. That is an excellent looking bed Nobby. Now we both have a 'tartan bed'. Bad news for M we hope she has good healing genes - some of life's worst accidents happen at home so you take care at home and make sure Gail does too (don't make her trip over you or your new bed). Paw smacks Mr T

  12. You are the personification of the statement: "I would give my left nut for a new bed."

  13. Glad you to go on a walk again.

    As far as da bed, well, it coulda been a worse present. Google neuticles.

  14. ha looks like a nice new bed, Nobby. We are doomed to keep our old chewed up ones, because every new bed we have gotten is ripped or partially eaten by Benji...sheesh, he is crazy sometimes.

    Good to see you are off lead again and running! Wheee!
    Petcreary would be out of her mind if she tried to let us off lead, BOL!

  15. That is a very nice bed, looks super comfy! And we are glad you are all healed up and ready to frolic again! Just in time for Springtime!


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