Wednesday 8 February 2023

Perking up

Well it's been a funny old few days. 

FRIDAY: Apparently I spent most of the day at the vet. To be honest I don't remember much, except that I felt very woozy when Gail picked me up, and had a strange sense that something rather precious to me had gone missing. A part of my nether regions is sore.

SATURDAY: This black collar I'm wearing is a hand-me-down from Bouncing Bertie. It was provided by a kind fellow blogger several years ago when Bertie was suffering from interdigital cysts on his paws. It is much more comfortable than the horrid lampshade I was given by the vet. I spend most of the day resting.

SUNDAY: The sun is shining and I have found a new perch in the kitchen. I have also been enjoying lots of lap time and cuddles. I am starting to feel a bit livelier, and we go for a short (and frankly rather boring) walk around the block.  

MONDAY: The good news is that, after a weekend of being mostly confined to barracks, Gail takes me for a morning walk to Duthie Park . The bad news is that I have to wear my collar and stay on the lead and am not allowed to play with any of my regular park pals. Most frustrating. 

TUESDAY: Look, no collar! We see the vet nurse and she says I am not yet fully healed and must keep calm and stay out of trouble. Has she ever met a wire-haired fox terrier before....?

In the evening at the 'Inn at the Park' I helped Gail's team, the 'Indecisives' to victory in the first pub quiz of the year, despite them thinking that the Tory Prime Minister who died in 1995 was Edward Heath not Sir Alec Douglas Home, and being unaware that Ella Fitzgerald is known that the First Lady of Song. It was particularly satisfying that 'we' narrowly beat my rival Teddy the Cavapoo's team.

Things are looking up!  


  1. Good to hear that you're on the mend Nobby, and allowed out and about.
    You'll only need a few more days and things will be back to the "new" normal!
    Indy xx

  2. Is it the angles or are your whiskers really filling out Nobby? You are looking very mature in your latest photos.

    1. Gail says: Nobby's whiskers are indeed filling out a bit, but still much less abundant than his predecessor Bertie's were at the same age.

  3. we wish you a super fast recovery ... and we like that look... you look impressing like da planet jupiter.... the biggest planet of our galaxy...

  4. Each day gets better and better and that means in another week you may be running free as a bird again.. you look so precious sitting in the sun on the table, I want to hug you.. I like your bed and did you notice you left paw prints all over it? BOL.. the picture of you and Gail is a heart melter. You are still leading a life of adventure even with a cone. I liked that cone, the horrid lampshade is a nightmare

  5. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby... it is good to read your healing diary and to note that you are growing better by the day! You actually carry that donut well - something a little bit circus dog about it. That's a fun thing. I pawmiss... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. You will get there, Nobby, and it looks like you're making great headway!

  7. Nobby OMDS yes surely the Vet Nurse had smudges on her glasses, which , when she said instructed a WFT to stay calm. I'm thrilled you and Gail were able to get out for walks even though no bouncing off lead was allowed.
    I predict by Friday you will be back to your usual WFT romps. Picture # 6 is quite stunning...your stance is show quality. I give you a 10++++++
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. You will be back to your regular off lead jaunts before you know it, Nobby. We're glad to hear you are feeling better and are keeping our paws crossed for a full recovery soon.

  9. Glad you're feeling better, Nobby. I'll have to look around and see if I can find a similar collar for our girlie pups who are scheduled for their own "snip" next month. (You're right. Those lampshade type cones are awful!)

  10. Nobby, we have all had a turn wearing something similar, and although we don't like it much, it is certainly preferable to the dreaded cone. You are looking quite well and full of energy. Just take it easy for a bit longer and you will be good to go. We think Gail is being an outstanding nurse.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. Sounds like things are definitely going in the right direction Nobby! Hopefully you'll be donut free before you know it!

  12. Glad your healing up, Nobby! Soon you'll be busy and bouncy!

    MJF was lucky, he didn't have to wear a cone or anything when he got that fix up job...he did shake and shiver a lot, so we left him in his fleecy jacket...though that would not have stopped him from doing anything to his nether regions.


We love it when you woof back!