Monday 14 November 2022

Permission to shred?

Look, here I am, 'posing nicely' on my Sunday walk in the grounds of Castle Fraser. Butter wouldn't melt etc. 

So why am I apparently in Gail's bad books? Again.

It seems to be connected with an email Gail sent to the local council on Saturday, part of which is reproduced below. 

I just don't get it. As any friend of my owner will attest, she can be heard complaining frequently and at length about the fact that each year she is required by Aberdeen City Council to fork out a whole £60 for the privilege of parking in the street in front of her own home, in a residential area where there is no pressure on parking spaces.

But when, terrier-style, I express my solidarity with Gail's objections to the whole parking permit scam, I'm given a hard time. 

Life is so not fair.  


  1. Permission to shred granted Nobby, although we have to admit it hasn't done any favours to your campaign to get your blog rebranded (apart from being Nimble enough to reach the kitchen table). Paw smacks Mr T

  2. oh oh ooooooh that is the best variation of dog-eat-my-homework... Nobby you are our hero....

  3. Hari Om
    Well... Nobby... hmmmmmmm methinks you need lessons in picking your battles/prey... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Oh dear - Nobby that's another lesson learned about humans! That it's best to leave all post wherever Gail has put it.
    Would you believe that the other day I got a telling off for pinching a piece of paper out of a wastepaper bin? I saw Carol throw the paper away and just thought I should check to make sure that it was really rubbish. Not something highly important that she'd panic about later when she couldn't find it!
    We can't do right for doing wrong, can we?
    Lindy xx

  5. Hi Lindy, I'd always wondered why Gail keeps the wastepaper basket on top of her desk... Toodle-oo! Nobby.

  6. Our dog used to bite the mail as it came through the mail slot in our San Francisco flat. I got tired of returning chewed credit cards to the issuer, so I ended up using one that was slightly mauled. I do remember one sales clerk who said, why this looks like it's been chewed. Bingo!

  7. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my goodness me! Nobby your blog might be getting a name change after this.
    1. Nobby inquiring minds wonder how you got the permit off the table
    2. Was there a scent on it that might have made you think it was food
    3. Well done on taking a bite of out of it. Gail knows you have her back in all situations.
    4. Gail I bet the folks at the permit office will be sharing and giggling about this.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. You look like an angel in that first picture, Nobby. We sure hope the council doesn't charge for a replacement! BOL!

  9. Angel Dog gone Bad! I am thinking the naughty part of your blog name will not be changed anytime soon. dont' tell Gail, but Baby girl ate a gift check of 125.00 once and then chewed to smithereens my drivers license that fell on the floor. Baby said it was my fault for dropping it where she could reach it. Her nickname was Demanding Bitch. she was and we still miss her. She also ate the front page off of ALL Bob's instruction booklets that came with his airplanes. NOTHING you can do will surprise us. We love you like you are. Hope they don't charge Gail twice. I had to pay for my drivers license again. just saying

  10. Hahahaha, Nobby, you are a hoot. We shred mail sometimes as we have a mail slot that leaves the mail on the floor...but you got it off the counter! Well done Nobby!

    Your friends Rosie and Redford

  11. Hi friend, Ojo here! First of all I have not been by to see you in a while (this is entirely my person's fault!) and I cannot help but notice how large and handsome you have grown! Second, good job with the permit! I'm not sure why your person is grumpy, it must be about the permit, not about you!

  12. Don't try to figure humans out Nobby, they are sooooo confusing!
    Great shred tho!!

  13. as a dog lawyer all I can tell you is to plead insanity.

  14. Well we have used our shredding skills, too...a book or two that we stole off the shelf...and a lot of papers,and napkins if we can get those. They smell good when they've been used at dinnertime.

    I Benji have shredded underwear...don't ask...and the bath mat, not to mention the countless dog beds...

    MJF had fun with s lot of paper money when the unfurbros were a lot younger. If they left those loose on their desks, he would steal them and turn them into confetti. The bank peeps would laugh when petcretary would bring them those bits and pieces in a baggie, and then they would give the boys new replacements!

  15. That is a super impressive list of shreddables!


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