Friday 23 September 2022

Seaweed versus sheep poo...

One's tastes change and evolve as one matures, don't they?

Gail tells me that in childhood she preferred Primula 'cheese' over Blue Stilton. Now quite the opposite! 

On previous visits to Torridon, when just a puppy, I delighted in the proliferation of droppings left by the many sheep which roam around the unfenced fields (and on the road) close to our cottage. 

For some reason Gail never approved of me consuming this particular delicacy. There was a lot of yanking on my lead and yelling "No Nobby, NO!!!".

Now that I am pushing 8 months old I have, much to Gail's apparent delight, outgrown my sheep poo phase and discovered a new source of totally yummy treats, conveniently located by the shore of Loch Torridon (a sea loch).

Do you like seaweed? Or perhaps you live in the middle of a big continent and have never had the opportunity to sample this satisfyingly squelchy snack? What then is your favourite Food for Free?

PS from Gail: Worried readers can be assured that, in truth, Nobby only really likes playing with seaweed - putting it in his mouth and dragging it around. If he swallows any at all, it is in very small amounts. 

Happy Nature Friday to all our friends! And once again a big thank you to Rosy and the rest of the LLB Gang for hosting this, our favourite blog hop. Do go and visit the other posts. 


  1. we goo with da sheep bonbon's... absolutely... although if it is a kind of weed our mama maybe would like it hahahahaha

  2. Well, I've never had the chance to sample the sheep delicacy, and the seaweed is cleared from the beaches at the crack of dawn, so no chance there. Not that we canines are allowed on the beach anyway. It's something I'll have to take your word for, Nobby.
    Do you know, I don't think there is any free food in the sense that I can pluck it from the hedgerow. Unless you count the occasional mostly empty fast- food container - probably thrown from some passing vehicle!
    Inca xx

  3. I've never had sheep poo or seaweed and I probably wouldn't try either of them but I would roll in both of them for sure! We love your new header photo, Nobby!

  4. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, I think you should reassure Gail that there is a noble tradition of consumption of seaweeds of various kinds not just in Japan but in many other parts of the world, including Wales (think Lava Bread) and Scotland! Apart from anything else, its iodine content is excellent. Definitly the blue cheese of vegetable foods!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Nobby is hoping that the iodine will protect him in the event of a nuclear strike...

  5. Our lakes have seaweed, but we have no interest in it. Even on the ocean, Mom says none of her dogs were interested.Sheep poo sounds tasty. Nelson might want to give that a try. In Germany, Mom walked along the dike where the sheep roamed free but her dogs at the time never ate the poo. She is thankful for that. Have a fun weekend!

  6. Sheep Poo - Nobbbyyyyyy Yuuuuck! Very unclassy. Seaweed I strongly suspect is sneaked into some versions of processed catfood....My humans say "nothing wrong with seaweed" but speaking as a cat I'm inclined to think its best use might be for burying the sheep poo. I do recall F used to put both on our garden. Furrings and purrings Mr T

  7. The seaweed is (surprisingly to me) quite pretty. Our canid clan would prefer sheep's (or any animal's) droppings to algae....

  8. Whew Nobby THANK goodness for your new dislike of sheep poooooooop.
    Girls don't like guys who breath smells like poop. Just sayin'
    As for me I'm not much on slimy food. I'd much crunch.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Beau sometimes THINKS about eating poo, but has not seen any seaweed, we did catch him eating a small avocado, 2 days ago, which he chomped and swallowed even though I commanded him to drop it. he was caught by dad carrying a giant avocado seed in his jaws yesterday, he did drop that. so even though he has no seaside stuff, the yard puts things out there for him to find

  10. We don't get to try sheep poo around here, but we have had the opportunity to nibble on rabbit poo when they decide to dine in our backyard. Our parents always try to catch us before we consume it and then they scoop it up and fling it over the fence. That seaweed looks like vegetables and we aren't big fans of veggies.

  11. Angel Arty found seaweed wonderful for rolling in...but not so much munching. Right now, we are in between free munchies. We used to be big fans of bunny poo, but all of us, even Sunny, have lost the taste for it.

    I think I would like to taste a squirrel....but, unfortunately, they are much better at climbing than I am.

  12. We've never had the chance to find out what seaweed looks like, or tastes like. Thanks for your pictures. I'm sure it's better than what the sheep leave behind!

  13. MJF got to sample goat poo when the neighbours had goats...and deer poo, and of course, rabbit candies. Horse poo has a great attraction as well...ugh! Pawppy don't let the dog(s) kiss you! LOL!

    Seaweed?? Hmmm, now that iis interesting, Nobby! Have you tried to indulge in its perfume, yet? (Rolling in/on it)

    Those seaweeds sure are colourful!

  14. Lady wishes we would grow out of our love of deer poop. Which is plentiful as there are a lot of deer around right now. We have never tried seaweed. Looks great to roll in. Lee and Phod

  15. Hell Nobby - nice to be back as I have been away a while. Thank you for visiting my bike shed. Oscar had a sheep poo phase and occasionally likes a bit of the horse variety, and as for dead seagull.. well of course! `but his latest treat is blackberries and he has learned to chew only the ripe ones. He's become quite forager. Though if the given the choice between berries or mini cheddars then it's mini cheddars every time. In fact it is between MCs and almost anything!

  16. Enzo loves what the neighbor's cats deposit, in the middle of the night when they know he is not outside, in my flower garden!

  17. We love a certain kind of grass, we scarf it down all the time and are sad when winter comes and it dies off. We are going to the beach in November, so maybe we can try some seaweed too!

    Rosie and Redford


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