Monday 1 August 2022

Monday puzzle - where am I?

To be frank, it wasn't the most exciting of walks.
But on the way back from Torridon to Aberdeen last week we stopped for a break in a small town and Gail made me pose in front of a bunch of relatively new street signs. Apparently these side lanes off the main road had long remained unlabelled, but in 2013, at the request of the emergency services, they were given names, and the names reflect the town's history, heritage and local dialect. 

Perhaps you can guess which town we were in? (Hint - think of a boy's name, perhaps one of the Rolling Stones?)


  1. oh what a cool place.. we ove da findlater lane, that would fit to us LOL

  2. I would like to see more of the buildings on Distillers Lane and Smiddie lane please. love what I can see. I must say, you are one fine looking Model to show off the new signs. The city where I was born, had all names and it is a horror to find an address. here In this area, mid west coast Florida all the streets are numbers, Ave runs one Way and Streets the other. makes it really easy to find an address without a map. about the peanut butter in oatmeal, I always had almonds, walnuts or pecans in oatmeal but with IBS can no longer eat them, unless they are made into butter. Peanut butter is already a paste and it is delish. I don't have a grinder for nuts

  3. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby... I have to think that you visited Keith! Well done on the posing shots. Not such an interesting walk for you, pawhaps, but fabulous for us, your viewers! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx (who is getting lost in Comm Games viewing and losing track of time and days!!!)

    1. Well done YAM-aunty! It was of course Keith. Somehow we thought you might be the one to guess it. (I have to tell you that Gail was lost in the football yesterday evening...)

  4. Those names made Lady laugh! She just saw an article about what the name of the street you live on says about you. She grew up on a Princes, spent her student days on Riverside, owned on a Boyer and now calls Paradis her home. What does that say about her? Lee and Phod

  5. PS Saying stop eating poop does not stop any of the dogs from eating it. Lee and Phod

  6. Now you have got us wondering about Sodgers and Ploo, never mind the town itself. Hard to believe that locals didn't have some way of distinguishing their lanes before that - or were those names totally unprintable on signs?

    1. We think Sodgers is Doric (NE Scotland dialect) for Soldiers, and Ploo is surely Plough.

  7. Not sure I'd want to live in Ploo Lane Nobby - it could be open to misinterpretation! Can you imagine people dropping the L just for the fun of it!
    We don't have street names out here in the "sticks" - just numbers and letters of the alphabet, which are not much use when you realise the houses on our side of the road have a G after the number and the ones opposite have a D! No wonder the post office won't deliver up here!

    Inca xx

  8. BOL BOL BOL Distillers and Findlater Lane are my favorite.
    NOBBY your posing is quite professional for such a young Lad!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Wow...ummmmm, Nobby, are you sure Gail stopped in Keith for a walk?? Looks like she is having you practice the whole modeling thing.....Be careful, humans are sneaky like that!

  10. We had a good giggle at some of those names, the loudest being at Findlater...she nearly choked on her coffee!
    Did you add your own address markings to those corners?? Then maybe in the future you'll see a sigh for Nobby Lane!

  11. Those are some interesting street names. We're surprised at how some of the houses don't have numbers but are called "Something Cottage". That must confuse the emergency people too.

  12. Those names are all so interesting. Ploo??? That was quite unique:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. We liked the Findlater Lane best. LOL! We'd surely be living along that lane!

  14. Ploo? We thought it read Poo! Hahaha! Those are some funny street signs!

    Rosie and Redford


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