Friday 19 August 2022

A berry well behaved pup

I am not sure whether Gail saying "at least there's one area where your behaviour is better than Bertie's was" is a compliment or an insult. But I'm a cup half full kind of a pup, so I'll assume the former. One learns to take what one can get. 

Out and about in the Aberdeenshire countryside, we have an abundance of berries right now, and I'm discovering that my owner is a borderline obsessional forager for free food.
I am quite happy to sniff around in the undergrowth while Gail risks lacerating her arms on the prickly brambles in order to hunt down the early blackberries, keeps a keen eye out for the last of the raspberries, and kneels on the damp earth to pick the abundant and apparently very tasty little blaeberries*.

I stay patiently close by despite not being on my lead, and I do not get bored and run off as was the habit of my predecessor. 

In addition to the edible berries, I want to show you how vibrant the rowan trees look right now.

And of course, since this is Scotland, we can always find you a fine display of heather.

Happy Nature Friday friends! Do join in the fun with the LLB Gang's always wonderful blog hop. 

*Blaeberries in Scotland = bilberries in England. These berries are related but not identical to the American blueberry. The blaeberry is smaller and more flavourful but also more easily damaged and thus not generally grown commercially. 


  1. Tell Gail if she comes south she can lacerate herself on the blackthorn collecting sloes to flavour her gin. My human does the same made stuff - apples, blackberries, bullaces... and is very jealous of wild raspberries. Paw smacks Mr T

  2. we sniffed around in that brambles too... the mama thought it is blood what we had on our back... great drama LOL

  3. You are a good boy to stay close to Gail when she's foraging, Nobby.
    We don't have anything to find here, it's all weeds and nothing to eat! Apparently there used to be a nice stand of blackberries nearby but my human said that the moment the fruit ripened the bushes were stripped clean. She didn't even have chance to taste a single berry!

    Inca xx

  4. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, I too love to forage those things... did you get to taste any of them? Angel Jade was very fond of sharing my berries. In fact, she was as keen on sharing those as my yoghurt. I had to guard my breakfast! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. The berries are so beautiful and they look so yummy!

  6. Mom loves berries. She would be eating them all right off the plants when you find them. Have you tried them? We all like to eat berries too.

  7. Beau would love to find fresh fruit, he loves all kinds of fruit, I would have to drag him away from munching. you are a good boy to stay close and to not eat the fruits. we are a tad jealous, it has been 60 years since I last ate wild blackberries. our family used to go out with buckets to gather them and mother would make jams and preserves. I may have eaten one for everyone that went in the bucket, same thing with strawberries.

  8. Nobby, I too, am a cup half full kinda gal. Yep I think for 100% certainty that was a very high compliment from Gail. I have some memories of Bertie chasing/following cycles on trails, wandering into places that were not where he lived and most always making Gail breathless...then there is the great train platform mad trek.

    Your berries are fabulous. I do wish I was there to help Gail pick them
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. You are such a good boy to stay close to Gail while she picks all those berries, Nobby. Have you tried any of them? Maybe the possibility is what keeps you close while Gail is working. We have lots of raspberries around our yard, but we leave them for all the wild animals and birds to eat. Our mom hates mowing the edge of the lawn where the raspberries reach out and prick her with their thorns.

  10. Great job Nobby! I am pretty sure I would have gotten bored and gone on to explore elsewhere....unless I was being continually fed berries that is.

  11. Any time you are in the same sentence as Bertie its a good thing.

  12. Look at all those Berries! How fun---and delicious!

  13. Oh, those raspberries! Drooling here...we used to have a lot of blackberries and a few raspberries, but somehow the canes were removed in places, and others stopped growing...but we do have a lot of mulberries, both white and red. Even Dalton likes those. Benji could care less!


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