Friday 6 May 2022

What I learned in Torridon

I think most of my readers already know that as well as the house in Aberdeen, Gail has a cottage in the Northwest of Scotland, overlooking Loch Torridon. 

After four days in Torridon over the May Day Holiday, sharing the cottage with a couple of Gail's friends from Down South, these are some of the things I learned: 

There are two neighbours whom I might one day be allowed to chase. Meet Irish terriers Dooley and Duffy.

Other neighbours will always be off limits. As apparently will their poop (despite it being yummy!)

The weather can, and does, turn on a sixpence.

The hills are bigger and more spectacular than those around Aberdeen, and Gail has promised that when my legs are strong enough I shall be allowed to climb them. But for the moment I'm to stick to the lower ground.

Some visitors are inspired to rise early and exercise their artistic gifts in the early morning light.

Others prefer  to relax after an afternoon dip in the loch.  (In this part of the world, humans seem to get dressed in stretchy tight fitting suits to go swimming. Weird or what?)

Gail's favourite thing of course is to sit outside in the spring sunshine with a lively fox terrier puppy on her lap. 

And finally, I learned that the last light of the day is often the most beautiful. 

Happy Nature Friday friends! 


  1. Nobby, I reckon any nature lover would enjoy your environment at Loch Torridon. That was a lot of learning for one weekend. Those quadruped neighbours with the white fluffy coats are best avoided in my view. Just ignore them. Paw smacks Mr T

  2. we love your irish terrier friends...and we love the sunset time too... that's the time we get out chewing bone...

  3. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, you certainly made the most of your first visit to Torridon... but failed to mention the helicopter that appears to be flying low over your coastline! Or is that just a bee and my early morning eyes are defaulting?! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Well spotted YAM-aunty. That was the mountain rescue helicopter and I totally wasn't scared.

  4. What a beautiful spot Torridon is, Nobby. I'm sure you had a wonderful time, and can't wait to get back there. All the photos are very interesting, but the last one is special, even though you and Gail aren't in it!
    Those Irish terriers look as though they are going to be fun to play with.

    Inca xx

  5. Spectacular Views! you look so cute out there and your face is beyond precious. I love all those fuzzies that surround your eyes and especially your beard. you look a little bit like my hubby. I would love to wander in the area around your cottage

  6. You and Dooley and Duffy are going to be great buddies on day soon, Nobby! Your cottage sure does have the most magnificent views and look at you off-leash already. Good for you!

    1. Gail says: 'Off-leash' only under very controlled conditions!

  7. What a beautiful and fun time you had. Hope you get to take some more trips like that soon.

  8. Nobby OMDs...per chance if Gail is interested in a nanny for you...please let me know I'll get my references and experience in the mail ASAP. I don't swim in water below 80 degrees nor am I an artistic visitor.. I am an early riser always ready for a trek. OH my would I love to be with you as you trek around that beautiful countryside.
    And the last light over the mountain made me say Awwwwwww.
    Hugs cecilia

  9. You sure learned lots of things being at your cottage. It looks like the weather cooperated nicely most of the time.

  10. Nobby ~ you are one sweet fur person ~ nature enhances you ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A SutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Oh Nobby, you have such a lovely cottage with such wonderful views. We are really enjoying seeing how your puppy eyes see nature!
    Rosy, Jakey & Sunny

  12. As I always say, Wow! What a spectacular place you live!

  13. Hi friend, Ojo here! Ooooh, friends! Ooooh, poop-makers! Ooooh, great portrait of you with your Gail!

  14. I have a feeling you are the most exciting thing to happen in that town for a long time.

  15. What lovely photos, Nobby! You're already becoming a very wise pup.

  16. Oh, Your lady's Cottage is in an exquisitely beautiful place!

    We would want to chase those Irish Terriers, too...and thhe sheep...well if we are not allowed to chase something we can always bark them!! Try it Nobby...your Gail will love it...BOL!

  17. Our mom can't get over how beautiful the place you live in is! It takes her breath away! And it looks like you will have some fun friends to play with when you are bigger Nobby!


We love it when you woof back!