Monday 9 May 2022

'Lively mind' or 'attention span of a gnat'

Last week's lesson at the Awesome Paws Academy was all about 'focus'. Apparently. Or so Gail told me later. In truth I wasn't paying much attention at the time.

I did later overhear Gail discussing the whole puppy class thing when we were out walking with her friends M and J. She was bemoaning my lack of concentration and poor school performance in general. 

Phrases like "attention span of a gnat" were being bandied about. 

Well, what is the point of having your own blog if you can't use it to put the record straight? 

So throughout last Wednesday's hour long class I was in fact focussing intently on fellow students Pedro, Kelvin, Chewy, Ezra and their humans. Also on any stray treats scattered about the place. And noises coming from outside. And so forth. 

Gail's complaint seems to be that I was "all over the place" and not paying any attention to her. 

To which there is only one possible response. 


And while we're at it, what about some praise for my lively and and enquiring mind?

I'm pleased to report we did have a lovely outing to Ballogie Estate with M and J on Saturday and, apart from the small matter of me sprinting after two mountain bikers at the start of the walk, I put on a compelling show of being Perfect Puppy (aka Nice Nobby), staying fairly close to the humans even when not attached to my walking string. 


  1. we have that same attention span... but maybe the piece we have to focus has to be more interesting? how about sardines in oil, that would get our attention immediately ;O)

  2. Nobby, if you are already allowed off you walking string, even if it's only for a short time, I think you're doing pretty well!
    My human tells me that her second Lab - Coppa - used to fall asleep in puppy training classes and it was obvious that he found the whole thing boring. If the trainer woke him up and tried to put him through his paces, he'd make for the door to go outside. When he was let out, with my human holding his string, he'd make straight for her car and sat down beside the passenger door. She gave up in the end.
    I've never been to puppy training classes - I just do my own thing!

    Inca xx

  3. In my opinion, you are doing a fantastic job, Nobby. Look how young you are and walking without a leash. The rest will come.

  4. wow, Nice Nobby, you look like you have doubled in size! I am so proud of you for not darting off in those bushes and running away. sorry you had to overhear the gnat remark and glad you set us all straight to the Real Reason you were not Focused... it sounds to me like you are learning really fast, remind her you are still a baby... we only had one dog that went to classes, our first dog Max and he failed the course, miserably. I think most of that was ME the one who took him. I had never heard of training a dog. we only had dogs outside that laid in the dirt and never came in the house... the dog next door is really named Princess and it doesn't fit her at all. I love her, she is precious, she is white with black polka dots, that come from her retriever mom, and some kind of pit mix. she is only 30 pounds and beautiful.. there is nothing wrong with her, the people she live with are total idiots, not just about dogs but LIFE in general...

  5. Nobby, if the persistence of gnats is anything to go by they have quite a prolonged and focused span of attention. Perhaps you misinterpreted what Gail meant and you shouldn't be eavesdropping on human conversations. That looks like a great walk you went on. Crikey you are growing fast. paw smacks Mr T

  6. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, I am inclined to agree with others that any walking off-string with no mishap works to the pawsitive... and when the world is full of sensory input, learning focus can be a real challenge. I feel certain that between you and Gail, a line will be found along which you both can travel with minimal differences! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Nobby this made me giggle and reminded me of Marlu's kindergarten class 1976 which was the first year of kindergarten in public schools.
    FOR some crazy reason somebuddy at the school decided it was a good idea to have two separate kindergarten classes in one huge room with a screen dividing it. I know for a fact kindergarten aged children do in fact have the attention span of a gnat. We might have gotten numerous notes from Marlu's teacher saying she was listening to the other teacher. I felt like writing a note back, I'm not surprised. I later learned every child in Marlu's class took home the exact note. I volunteered in the class once a month. I found the OTHER teach had a very soothing voice and presentation to her lessons. I seem to remember the two teachers often traded off with one teaching the other's class for an hour or so. Until things settled down with the students.
    Any way I agree with YAMaunty. Walking w/o a lead is proof positive you learned something. So happy you and Gail had a nice day for trekking with friends. Hugs Cecilia

  8. We have to agree totally with Tigger as those pesky gnats are very persistent and very attentive when they surround you! As for the rest, being a wee little pup, we'd give you an A+ for as far as you've come and all you have learned, so just keep at it ... you're doing a good job!

  9. It's too bad Gail can't appreciate your wanting to have the attention of everyone in your class. You do seem to be doing well to be allowed off leash, Nobby.

  10. Focus is something that can be done in many ways...glad to see you are exploring lots of them(at the same time)!

    What a beautiful hike you had on Saturday!
    Rosy, Sunny & Jakey

  11. Who can pay attention when the entire world is new and exciting?

  12. MJF learned about 30 different tricks and commands...but off leash was not one of them until we got a fence...BOL! When he first was allowed though the open door he just stood there...he KNEW!

    So Gail should give you some credit...tee-hee! Our doggy cousin, Eddie went to puppy class too and our auntie says he was naughty there...and didn't pay attention. Is that a terrier thing? Oh wait we are terriers, too, BOL! We need to be aware of all things around us...might have to defend ourselves or fill our bellies:)

  13. Your brain is still so young and excited about everything! You are a cute pup and will be a good dog very soon, but for now, enjoy all the craziness of being a puppy!

  14. Hi young friend, Ojo here! Hurray for adventures! Also, look how long your legs are getting! Also, my person is Teacher for puppy classes and she says to say terriers are not supposed to focus on people, they are supposed to go chase and hunt and not pay attention to people at all. So clearly you are being a Good Terrier by paying attention to all the other things around you, no?


We love it when you woof back!