Friday 13 May 2022

Blossoming along with the cherry trees

Happy Nature Friday friends! Don't forget to visit all the other posts in the LLB Gang's ever wonderful blog hop.


  1. that is so super beautiful... and how amazing for you to see it the first time

  2. The cherry blossoms are so beautiful! What a lovely walk, Nobby!

  3. What a beautiful walk, Nobby, I'm glad you got to enjoy it in such lovely weather.

    Inca xx

  4. The cherry trees are so beautiful. We can't wait for ours to bloom. Your furs look nice and fluffy. Happy weekend!

  5. Beau said he has lots of trees to pee on but not one is as pretty as yours. Flowers and a potty spot. Wow! you are growing so fast you change almost daily. you legs are getting leggier... is that a word?

  6. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, I can't help but observe that all these shots are glorious for not just blossoms, but SUNSHINE!!! And yourself, of course... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Nobby OMDs you have pink snow in Aberdeen too.
    I must say handsome friend I do believe your fabulous Terrier coast is beginning to cover you puppy coat. Your WFT tail has a perfect curve too.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Oh Nobby ~ you are more beautiful to me than the trees of Spring ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Wow! Those trees are beautiful! Our pear tree is covered with blossoms too.

  10. Blossoming trees are always so eye catching and gorgeous! Our weeping cherry tree shed all its petals to the ground for a light pink blanket, and is now all aglow with emerald green leaves.

    Sometimes when petcretary looks at your profile, Nobby she thinks perhaps Benji might be part WFT as well. Who knows, I'm not telling, BOL!

  11. You live in a really beautiful street Nobby. And your wee face is growing up fast isn't it? You will need a new header photo soon. Paw smacks Mr T

  12. You sure are getting bigger Nobby. What beautiful blooms on your street.

  13. What beautiful cherry trees Nobby and, what lovely long leggies you are growing into!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Sunny

  14. Hi friend, Ojo here! Sometimes you look Very Big, other times you still look Very Small. That is the best of both worlds! You are blossoming indeed!

  15. Your first spring, Nobby - and such a beautiful one!

  16. You are amazingly adorable, Nobby! And you have the best human ever. Lucky Nobby!

  17. Dear Nobby. We haven't been around for 2 weeks and we can't believe how big you have gotten. We are sure this means you are growing nicer and not naughtier, although Lady said it took about 12 year for Lee to grow out of naughty! Lee and Phod

  18. The cherry trees are beautiful, but nothing is as cute as YOU Nobby!


We love it when you woof back!