Friday 25 March 2022

Throwing one's toys INTO the pram...

I like a nice tidy kitchen. Don't you? 

Gail (my human) says this is an odd trait in a puppy not yet nine weeks old. 

But really, would you want to live somewhere with toys strewn all over the floor? 

Such a mess! It took me most of the morning to clear the place up.

Sophie Snow Leopard put up stiff resistance but I managed to wrangle her into my crate and subdue her.

And with Pink Spotted Moo Cow sorted, my task was complete.

Do you think I need a bigger crate?

PS from Gail: You'll see I've now added Blogger's 'Followers' gadget in the right hand sidebar for those who wish to keep tabs on Nobby this way. 


  1. need a bigger crate... you could have much mre toys then ;O)))) we remember the time with our whft puppy... that was challenging sometimes...she played mostly with things what were no toys and that can end x-pensive with new glasses, passports, wallets and shoes ;O))))))))))

  2. Nobby, it's most unusual for such a wee fellow as yourself to be tidy at such a young age!
    You're bound to grow much bigger, and then where will all your toys go? For the moment though, you all look very comfy curled up together.

    Inca xx

  3. You did a great job at cleaning up for one so young, Nobby! Your crate looks comfy and just the right size to me.

  4. Nobby, ask Gail if you can come visit and I will pay you to clean up our house. BOL.. I smiled and laughed all the way through, starting with your header photo. YOU are a Doll Baby.. and neat is my middle name.. we would get along well... I had added your blog to my feedly but will click that side bar because sometimes feedly has FITS... see you later cutie pie

  5. PS my favorite photo today is you in your crate saying All Mine.

  6. Well, well ... you definitely achieved the Nice Nobby title today! Good job, little one.
    (ooh, thanks for the subscriber button, too!)

  7. Hari Om
    Hmmm... were you paying attention when your mama gathered you and your sibs together, Nobby? Seems to me you wanted to keep efurrybuddy together!!! Long may that continue. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. Dearest Nobby.....
    ::whispering:: per chance do you have some feline dnas? I have a feline friend...Katie Isabella...who takes her favorite toys up onto her Human's bed a night? You are doing what Katie Isabella does in reverse.
    BOL I just read YAM's comment I bet that is what is going on.
    Remember humans are in best form with lots of sleep NOT LOST sleep
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. You are so cute to gather all your toys together in your crate, Nobby. It looks a bit crowded but at least they are all soft so you can use them for pillows.

  10. Hmmmmmm, looks like you are quite the herder Nobby! You made Mama giggle and she wonders if perhaps you could give Sunny some tips on cleaning up her toys??

  11. We didn't know terriers had a herding instinct; are you sure a collie didn't sneak through the fence at your former residence? I, the Tigger, hit the toys about until they disappear under sofas and behind bikes. You should try it sometime; it keeps the humans busy finding them again. Paw smacks Mr T.

  12. Nobby, you are welcome come by my place to tidy up ANY time...

  13. could easily be mistaken for one of your toys! :)

  14. The picture of you in your crate made us smile.

  15. Nobby is very funny as well as darling. Maybe Nobby will be helping with the housekeeping?

  16. You certainly have a lot of fuzzy companions, Nobby. I wonder if a favorite will emerge....

  17. Hello Nobby!! What a fun boy you are, picking up all your toys! Can you show Mabel & Hilda how to do that?
    PugRanch Mom

  18. Dear Nobby, As blogger kept stealing our comment on your last post, we finally kept it short and didn't really give you the warm welcome you deserve. Dear Nobby, welcome to Blogville. You will find this is a wonderful community of animal lovers and adventure lovers. We look forward to following your adventures. Lee and Phod Canadian dogs (well Lee was born in the US, so she may be duel citizen) who like mischief!

  19. Wow, and we thought we had a lot of toys! But a puppy needs fun and distraction with your very short attention span! Hahaha!

    Rosie and Redford

  20. Nobby, my extremely precocious schnauzer, Lexi, used to do exactly those kind of things, and she was the most talented, intuitive pup I ever knew. I think you are destined for greatness, as was she! Mom Amy


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