Friday, 21 February 2025


Well, that's perhaps an exaggeration. Hello everyone. 

Dru and Steve started calling me "Fluff" because I resembled a Merino sheep more than a WFT. I hadn't had any serious grooming since I went with Gail and YAM-aunty to the place at Inverurie in November. Not that I was entirely complaining, given how cold the winter has been. However, as Dru noted, I was starting to be unable to see my ball. That just isn't cricket! 

So, it was off to the groomers we went. Not the same one, obviously. Someone local to my new home in the Lake District. Just like the Inverurie salon, I was attended to for three hours. THREE HOURS!!! I can't really claim hardship. It's a relief to walk around my new yard and find my way without bumping into stuff.

I was put into the coat to compensate for the lack of Merino covering! I think Dru forgot what a rufty-tufty bloke I am. Though, the blue quite suits me... Mind you, Dru also said I smelled a bit like a "big girl's blouse" rather than Cairngorm masculinity, putting it down to the groomer wanting to impress. That's okay, I'll sort out the whiff soon enough. I think you will agree the grooming work stands up well to scrutiny and is impressive enough without the sham and poo...

Does this scream WFT, or does it yell WFT???

Anyhow, the whole episode left me hungry, so I was very glad Steve had my kibbles ready and waiting for me back home! On a slightly distracting note, I think I overheard a discussion about dog agility.......


  1. Nobby, you look so handsome with your new doo! :)

  2. Wow, that sure made a big more shaggy pup-mop, just a wonderful and spiffy WFT!

  3. that looks super stylish... well done

  4. You look very handsome with your shorter furs, Nobby, and we know how much you love agility!

  5. Nobby, you look very handsome. The dog agility sounds fun, enjoy!

  6. WELL DONE to the new dog groomer. you look so handsome and wish I could hug you. yay for agility, seems they might have plans for you to continue what Gail started.

  7. Nobby, Steve and Dru,
    I am loving your new (almost) spring cut. The blue coat is very becoming.
    Nobby it is good to see your nice WFT eyes too.
    Your quick and lightning WFT legs are nicely clipped and shaped I like that look.
    Oh you are going to get back to agility. You will be a star pawticipant too.
    Now that will be fun and will surely rid you of the 'too girly' salon fragrance.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. You look fabulous, Nobby. We're sure you will have your masculine scent back in no time.

  9. It was so exciting to find your writing this morning. It was great seeing your new hair cut. Still handsome as ever. Write again soon.

  10. Nobby, you're looking very fetching! Very impressive on enduring three hours at the salon. Maybe a good roll in the mud will remove some of your new fragrance. Oops, better ignore that suggestion. It's made my day to hear from you, dear fellow.

  11. That's more like our old Nobby that we know and love! The blue coat is very stylish and suits you. It must be almost as cold in the Lakes as it was up north in Aberdeen.

  12. Oh Nobby, you are looking so very dashing!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  13. Looking very handsome there, Nobby. And you look stunning in your blue coat. Hmm, are they really sure they want to do agility with you? That should be fun.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. So very dapper you look Nobby. And one must always be able to find the ball. I, the Dottie dog, am generally spiffed up by the mum with occasional trips to the groomers for a more professional look. But we both insist on her not using finishing scent as it makes us both sneeze! Going back to agility sounds like great fun. Thanks for checking in with all of us.


We love it when you woof back!