Monday 26 August 2024

It's been ages

Can you believe four months have passed since I last met up with my fox terrier pals?

Gosh it was great to see the gang at Cruden Bay on Sunday morning.

How I'd been missing my girlfriend Agatha. Of course, as always with a favourite companion, it didn't take long for us to settle into a familiar - in our case boisterous - groove...
Dogs, left to right: Jinx, Agatha, Nobby, Rupert, Merin

This is the closest we came to a 'team photo'.

To be honest, team photos really aren't our style. 

This is more like it! 

There was one unnerving moment when we came came across a huge carcass beached near the high tide line. Myself, Merin and Agatha all approached it tentatively but then backed away. Gail later learned that this deceased Minke whale had first been spotted the previous day and its presence has been reported to the Scottish Marine Animal Stranding Scheme.

One rather gruesome sight aside, we had a simply splendid time.

By the way readers, the photo below is a good illustration what constitutes a crowded beach on an August Sunday afternoon in NE Scotland!


  1. we are so sorry for the poor whale... but we love a beach full of whft...

  2. The sands are gorgeous - plenty of room to race and chase.
    I hope the Minke beaching is an isolated incident - poor creature.

  3. What a glorious beach Nobby, and what fun you had. I have never seen such pristine sand,. I think I'll try to persuade Carol to move to Scotland so that I can go on the beach and run like the wind!
    Paca xx

  4. More fun for all of you when you own the beach! The poor whale.

  5. Hari Om
    Well, Nobby, I find it hard to believe it is four months... truly doesn't seem that long to me, but then time does fly when one is having fun! The wind heard in the video might be a clue as to the 'crowding' of the beach! RIP Minke... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. good thing no one tried to roll on that dead fish, a dog who has rolled in dead fish is really awful. been there done that with our dog Max.
    I loved seeing all of you playing so hard and in a few of he photos I figured out how you can tell which dog is which, all the markings are different. now I can pick you out of any crowd of play mates.. this is the type of beach we love.. when we moved in this house 35 years ago, our beaches looked like this at certain times, now all the beaches are wall to wall people. we have not been in 7 years, and we are only 7 miles from several beaches

  7. You all sure looked like you were having fun romping on the beach. Too bad for that whale but good of you pups to leave it alone.

  8. NOBBY I love x 87 your beach...flat and even and easy walking (well minus the wind they call Mariah) it was blowing the sand. Your video of WFTs are a bouncing and wound up bunch when in a pack. It was a lovely day; however,
    I'm sorry about the Minke whale...
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. It must have been quite windy, judging by the video! This beach is a perfect place to cavort. I wonder what caused the sad "appearance" of the minke whale.

    1. Gail says: On beaches in NE Scotland it's windy at least 95% of the time!

  10. What a fun group you all are, we love watching you run around together! It always amazes Mama how NE Scotland beaches remind her of NW California beaches...lots of wind and not many humans!
    Rosy & Sunny
    PeeEss...We bet that whale smelled delicious!!

  11. You have so much fun with your terrier pals, Nobby. Wish we had a beach like that to run on. Poor whale. But glad you pups were cautious around it.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. I am sorry about the whale. I can imagine the smell. Glad yo

  13. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Hurray for foxy friends! Hurray for BEACH! Hurray for running and playing! I would also say hurray for the dead thing, I bet it smelled amazing! We enjoyed watching (and listening) to your play video!

  14. We bet the whale was super stinky, and us canines just love that! We loved the video of you all playing and we are VERY jealous that it looks like it is nice and cool there! Such fun you had with all your friends!

    Rosie and Redford

  15. Loved the video and getting to see you and your friends having fun.


We love it when you woof back!