Wednesday 31 July 2024

Ten ways in which I am Nice Nobby

I received a rare compliment from Gail earlier this week.

We were out on the hillside in Torridon undertaking one of Gail's twice yearly botanical surveys*, and I waited patiently while she took time to identify various plants, such as these little white beak sedges, which are apparently indicator species for the 'wet heath' habitat.

On the way back down to the car, Gail commented on how I really am an excellent scientific assistant, so well behaved on field excursions, living up to my 'Nice Nobby' designation. Apparently Bouncing Bertie was much less patient with botanical goings on, and would soon get bored and wander off to cause trouble.

I pointed out that these days I am 'Nice Nobby' in many different ways, and challenged Gail to list ten. This is what she came up with:
  • Excellent fieldwork aide, as described above
  • Quiet and relaxed car passenger (and always has been)
  • Sleeps well at night, even when staying in unfamiliar places
  • Respectful of other dogs in the park who don't want to play with me (unlike when I was younger) 
  • Friendly and welcoming to human visitors
  • Cooperative in the 'pose nicely for the camera' business
  • Tolerates bath time without too much fuss
  • Enjoys early morning cuddles
  • Generally good at not pulling on the lead on urban walks
  • Behaviour at agility training sessions improving - no longer in danger of being excluded from class for being too disruptive...

*Gail says: the plant survey work is my small contribution to the National Plant Monitoring Scheme, a long term project aiming to study plant species across different habitats in the UK.


  1. you are the bestest nobby of all times, no doubt! how great that you identify plants too, the mama said that is a super fabulous hobby... she holds her phone over every piece of salad we meet and then she tells us the name and for what you can use this plant....

  2. Hari Om
    Well Nobby, that's a pretty impressive list. Your mission, should you wish to take it, is to expand to twenty items! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. That list makes you a perfect dog, Nobby - what better companion could Gail wish for!
    Paca xx

  4. You are the perfect boy, Nobby, and very handsome too!

  5. Wow You might just be Best In Breed... I would vote for you for sure.. You are a good boy, Nobby

  6. It's so nice to be appreciated, Nobby. You are a good boy.

  7. That's a Long List of accomplishments; I dare not make such lists for my co-habitants!

  8. Nobby do you offer classes in good behavior? I know some 2 leggers who would benefit.
    Gail what a great way to help the plants and get out and about
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. A+ for you on the nice list, Nobby. You also have matured into a very handsome dog. The second photo is one of my favorites of you.

  10. You are so patient and make a wonderful partner for Gail, Nobby. We bet she could come up with more than ten nice things you do.

  11. That is a great list, Nobby. Next time don't let her stop at 10, we know she must have at least 100!!!

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. Well done Nobby. You have grown up and learnt well. With a few more nice things added to your list, GAil might one day surprise you and shorten your blog title to "Nice Nobby" which seems to suit you well.

  13. Your list makes you sound like the perfect pup! Maybe you should get a few more treats for being so excellent?

    Rosie and Redford

  14. I love that last photo Nobby - you look very patient. It sounds like quite an interesting project that Gail was engaged in.


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