Friday 26 April 2024

Nobby and Gail's Big Adventure

It's a dual purpose post today, with a special adventure for YAM-aunty's Final Friday Feature, in which we get close to nature for the LLB Gang's weekly blog hop.

Carry On Camping!

Golly gosh I was so excited when Gail told me we were we Going Camping this week.

I've read all about our friends Rosy and Sunny and their exciting adventures in the magnificent and luxurious 'CeCe' motorhome.

I've seen with my own WFT eyes the more modestly sized but still wonderfully comfortable electric van, the 'Grey', so cleverly converted for cosy domesticity by our friend YAM-aunty.

Imagine my consternation when Gail, after burrowing around in the back of the box room, excavated an elongate black bag and announced that this was going to be our accommodation on Monday night!

The plan, I learned, was to meet up with our friend Imogen at the Ballater Caravan Park. Imogen was riding the c.45 miles out there, her bicycle fully loaded with her camping gear as a trial run for a forthcoming solo expedition to France and Spain, and Gail would drive us out to meet Imogen, carrying an extra blanket for our friend in addition to our own kit. Apparently this was to be a 'test' for me too.

We arrived first and, ignoring my offers of assistance, Gail erected the tent. I tried not to look too envious of the more substantial accommodations parked nearby.

Imogen showed up shortly after and I noted that her tent was even smaller than ours!

Gail claimed it was quite a deluxe camp site, with excellent, clean and modern bathroom facilities. I was not so sure about my bathroom option...

Fortunately, Gail decreed that, as it was not raining and I was dry and relatively clean, I would be allowed into her tent with out the need for pre-bedtime ablutions. 

I was a Good Boy over dinner in the nearby pub (The Balmoral Arms) and did not even complain when Imogen and Gail refused to share their big and juicy venison burgers. A fellow diner commented that I matched the carpet...

Soon it was bedtime, and inside the tent I experimented for a while with various sleeping positions, but decided eventually that I might be more comfy on the mat beside Gail rather than lying draped across her chest.

It was dawn before I knew it, and oh what fun to be enjoying breakfast, listening to the birds twittering away and sniffing the cool clean Highland air.

And what a lovely surprise, a chance encounter with a familiar foxie friend, Merin (who lives quite close), out on an early walk through the campground with her owner Claire.

After breakfast, our 'mobile homes' were collapsed and packed away, and while Imogen headed back to Aberdeen on her bicycle, Gail and I enjoyed a short walk up Craigendarroch Hill.

You can see the Ballater camping ground in the distance below.

When I asked Gail if we could go camping again she declared that I had aced the test and so another outing in the tent is a distinct possibility.



  1. That was a different and fun kind of 'dogventure', Nobby!
    Nice that your Gail decided you are worthy of similar future camping...(not glamping)...outings!

  2. Hari OM
    WEll, Nobby...what can I say??? I am super impressed that you got this opportunity to experience the great outdoors form or living and appear to have relished it. Now, I forsee many more adventures - possibly even some more meetings up...hint hint!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. What a wonderful new experience for you Nobby, and what a good boy you were. So now you will be off on nice little trips with a night or two sharing Gail's tent!
    I thought I'd mention to Carol that it might be a nice idea for us, but she says she still has memories of camping in the South of France many, many years ago, and it's not something she'd want to repeat - ever! Even though she knows that the standard of campsites has improved.
    Paca xx

  4. I can honestly say that Molly and I never camped together, Nobby, and how wonderful to meet up with Merin for some fun!

  5. Wow, that sounds like lots of fun. Mom would never go camping in a tent or RV, even if the world was ending. Her idea of camping is a cheap, bad hotel. We would all love it, but it won't happen. Glad you had fun and we hounds are a bit jealous!

  6. How lovely - and it didn't rain!

  7. I am so happy that you aced your test run in your camper tent and that you all had such a good time and I can foresee a lot of camping going on as long as the weather is good. Of course we all know about how your weather seesaw's back and forth so we will wait and see what happens. Nothing that I would do but Bo would love it


  8. WOW x 87 Nobby what a surprise and it surely turned out to be perfect time and weather. BOL BOL for your very first (I think sleeping in a tent) I think you managed quite well how to sleep for top comfort for all. Just splendid post
    and you met a very attractive new Femail Friend Merin. I think she was definitely smitten with you and you her. Imogene is a long haul biker!!
    thank you for sharing this lovely FFF
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. It sounds like you had a fun time on your first camping outing, Nobby. We hope you get many more such adventures, but we would prefer to camp in the style of Rosy and Sunny in their camper than in a tent.

  10. Congratulations on passing the camping test with flying colors, Nobby! That's quite a hike up the hill and doesn't look like a "short walk" at all. You also seem to be rather daringly perched on that rock outcropping.

  11. Every now and then we really wish that we could sleep "under the stars" or in a tent like you did, Nobby, but that tent isn't quite big enough for Mama and Daddy's comfy bed BOL. We are so happy you aced the test and look forward to hearing about your future adventures!
    xoxo, your Glamping Princess friends
    Rosy & Sunny

  12. Oh Nobby ~ what a good dog you were on the adventure ~ great photos ~ always glad to see you ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Oh, Nobby, you had such a great new experience. We hope that second camping adventure comes soon. Maybe one day you will have a CeCe like Rosy and Sunny or a van like The Grey of Aunty Yam.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. What an exiting adventure you had and you were a very good dog to adjust to your new surroundings seemlessly

  15. Dear Nobby, We are intrigued by this adventure, sleeping in a tent looks interesting. Lady says she is imagining a certain mid-sized black dog eating her way out of it in the night, who can she be referring too? Gail may remember our not so fun trip in a CeCe type vehicle many moons ago, so perhaps, if Lady stopped being a princess (apparently living out of a van/tent with your family the summer you are 16 ruins camping for you as an adult), maybe we could have this fun too. Lee and Phod, curious about camping

  16. BOL Nobby Bryan did not share his Spicy Pork BBQ sandwich with me but the did share the choco. chip cookie.

  17. Hi hi hi, Ojo here! This sounds like a mixed adventure (especially the lack of juicy burger!), but I bet sleeping close to your person, meeting your friend, and that hike were pawesome!

  18. Sleeping in that little tent with Gail must have been so fun! You get to do so many cool and new things---we are jealous over here!


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