Wednesday 6 December 2023

The Kim Kardashians of the sheep world

Our Torridon cottage is surrounded by sheep - grazing the rough pasture and sometimes insolently blocking the narrow road. They are the reason why I always have to wear my lead whenever I exit the garden gate.

On our visit this week, I noticed that the sheep had newly painted rumps, most being green but a few, kept in a separately fenced off area, a rather lurid yellow. I instructed Gail to make enquiries.

Well it seems this is the sheep mating season and the paint indicates the ewes who have recently enjoyed the 'services' of a ram. The colour indicates the breed, green ones being your bog standard Cheviots and the yellow ones a type known as Beltex (Belgian Texel). 

The Beltexes are renowned for their heavily muscled hindquarters. One might call them the Kim Kardashians of the sheep world...

Although to be honest, under all that wool, they look pretty much the same to me.


  1. Green or Yellow Nobby, those sheep all look to be in exceptional condition. They have had a good summer, clearly. In your place I would be calculating how many tasty mutton dinners each one represents.

  2. we know that colors... the mama and her silly friend once colored their faces with this yellow markers for playing two stars in a stage play... sadly that color lasts nearly a life time... oh my!

  3. My goodness, you learn something new every day Nobby! I haven't had any babies, and am glad I haven't if it meant having my rear end painted yellow!
    Paca xx

  4. Sheeps, sheeps and more sheeps - much better looking than any Kardashians!

  5. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, this post delighted me, being as I am from shepherding stock! What a bucolic scene to wake up to of a morning... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. You have us laughing out loud at the Kim Kardashian comment☺ Soon enough there will be cute lambs to enjoy!

  7. they do look the same to me also, the same being Beautiful. all those sheep and more on the way. now i am wondering how long is gestation. hang on, 152 days is what google tells me. with out a calulator i am guessing about 1/2 the time as humans. hope they don't all appear at the same time. i want to see the babies. put that in your calendar

  8. NOBBY I thank you and Gail for a Wednesday Morning giggle and I agree
    about the resemblance to Kim
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Wow...we learn something new every time we visit! Thanks for the cool info...and Mama says thanks for the giggle!
    Rosy & Sunny

  10. We're also cracking up over calling those sheep the Kim Kardashians of sheep. BOL!

  11. Now I will be giggling everytime I see any sheep!


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