Monday 29 May 2023

Hippy Nelly?

You'll never believe who we encountered on a walk at Monadh Mor, near Inverness, last week. 

A long-haired WEIMARANER called NELLY! 

Has our friend from La Bretagne moved to Scotland and turned into a hippy?

Oh and if you are thinking that my lower limbs are looking less than perfectly snowy white in the picture above, then please blame my human for deciding to take me exploring an area described by Forestry Scotland as "One of the best places in Scotland to see rare bog woodland.... birch and pine trees here coexist in a finely balanced relationship with ponds, swamps and mosses."

So a "bog woodland" with "swamps", "ponds" etc. can result in muddy paws. Who knew? 

PS Gail's two American friends arrived yesterday for a twelve day visit and I suspect that I shall struggle to get help with my blog while they are here.


  1. naaa... da nelly is still there... LOL we love the hippy version a lot and we love your fabulous swamp area.... for your gail we wish a wonderful time with friends ...

  2. The long-haired Weimaraner looks cute - the first one we've ever seen.
    Nobby, did Gail deliberately take you to along with her to such a boggy area? I think she might have used that as a good excuse for another bath!
    Have fun with Gail's American friends.
    Amber xx

  3. I had no idea long hair wiems exist. Now we know and we also know just what happens in bogs and swamps. I am sure you will enjoy the visitors so much that you will not mind skipping a blog post here and there.

  4. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, I am impressed with your obvious enjoyment of meeting up with Da Nelly's dopplehariyganger - and pawssibily, having had lots of water surface to gambol in! I hope that you and Gail both enjoy the visitors and find lots to see and do... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Who knew there was a long haired Weim! Have fun with Nelly, Nobby, and have a great time with your visitors!

  6. You and Nelly posed very nicely for your photograph. Were biscuits involved? Lovely place for a walk. Enjoy your visitors!

  7. OMDs I had no idea there was a long haired Weimaraner. BOL Hippy I love it.
    I know Gail is so very happy to have her friends visiting. You are man of the house Nobby so remember you manners.
    I hope there aren't too many bog bugs buzzing around. Murphy and Stanley and their staff moved into a new (one story home) a few months ago. As the weather has warmed up and they are out and about they have been infested with midges. They and their neighbors discovered a ditch with a holding tank full of standing water. Everyone, except the Doodz, have midge bites. Midges cannot get through the Doodz furs. The city is working on the problem.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. We never knew there was a long-haired version of Weimaraners. You sure look like you were having fun romping in all that muck, Nobby. BOL!

  9. We never knew there was a long hair weimaraner. Nice to meet you Nelly!

  10. Wow! We never knew Weims came in a long haired variety either! What a smiley boy!

    We bet if was pretty fun playing in the bog!
    Have fun with your visitors!
    Rosy and Sunny

  11. Muddy paws mean you've been having fun!

  12. Hi, Nelly! You are a pretty gal!!

    That area youu were in looks like a doggy's delight with all the mud...

  13. Hi friend, Ojo here! Hurray for long-haired friends! Hurray for mud paws! (Those always mean fun was had!) And hurray for how big and handsome you're looking! It's been a long time since we've been by to say hello, it is very nice to see you!

  14. Nelly is gorgeous! (as you are too Nobby, but of course you know that already!)


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