Monday 10 April 2023

Embryonic agility champion?

Did you do anything special for Easter?

Or were you just made to pose for a photo wearing bunny ears? (If so, bad luck.)

I'm delighted to report that I had a wonderful treat on Easter Sunday morning, when Gail had signed me up for a 'taster session' at a local dog agility club.

Now I've always felt, having watched those collies performing at Crufts on TV, that I might be rather good at agility. After all, I am super confident, high energy and never fazed by a new challenge. I am also a quick learner, nimble and sprightly and I absolutely love jumping and climbing on things. 

What could possibly go wrong? 

For some reason, Gail seemed less certain of my status as embryonic agility champion. She claims my "disinclination to follow rules" and "extreme sociability (with other dogs)" might be impediments to success.

Talking of sociability, my training partner on Sunday was this fine fellow Cody, a five year old cockerpoo. 

To be honest I would happily have spent the hour racing around the field with Cody, but apparently that wasn't what we came for and pretty soon I grasped the idea that sausage treats a-plenty were on offer if I cleared jumps, ran through the tunnel, and over a structure called an 'A' frame*.

And apparently, according to Gail, I "exceeded expectations" and only twice was responsible for the shout "dog on the loose!" sounding across the field. All this means we might go back. I do hope so! 

*I'm told my predecessor Bouncing Bertie once distinguished himself on the 'A' frame, as described in this post:


  1. ooh ohhh we remeber our bertie... and maybe you can be at crufts once in da agility part?

  2. Nobby, I'm sure you won't copy Bertie's 'performance', though I'm still chuckling over it. Gail's drawing is excellent.
    Do keep on with the agility classes - I'm sure you could be a champion.

  3. Our friend has a cocker spaniel agility dog and loves it (they both do actually) - her trainer (and her dog) is evidently world junior champion, wow! Oscar is more a straight line running sort of guy!

  4. You certainly look like you are studying the task with great interest. Good to read that you are a natural (all they need do is plant a bit of fox scdnt and we are sure you would excel. Paw smacks Mr T

  5. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, when I heard that Gail had been planning this event for you, I held up much hope that it you would find it fun and engaging - seems that you did and for that, I am delighted!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. I am trying to comment but am laughing so hard at the CARTOON of Angel Bertie that its hard to get my thoughts together. You have much to live up to, Nobby. Wild clapping that you only got On The Loose Twice! sounds great to me, we may have the next Canine Olympian coming soon...

  7. ps I also got chuckles from the Diana and Kennedy remarks because I still to this day still fuss about the abilities of news reporters to just keep reporting over and over and over and over, 1/2 century later, doesn't matter

  8. This sounds like lots of fun, Nobby! Anything with treats involved is always a great thing!

  9. BOL BOL BOL OMDs Nobby this made be giggled "dog on the loose!"
    So many friends and so many things to catch the eye of you my handsome WFT. Well done exceeding expectations which of course is no SURPRISE. You are quick as greased lightning and smart.
    I clicked on the link provided to remind myself of 'A' frame incident with Bertie,

    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Wow Nobby, sounds like agility might be "your thing"....but, we must say Angel Bertie sure did set the A-Frame bar high BOLBOLBOL!
    Rosy & Sunny

  11. It sounds like you had lots of fun learning about agility, Nobby.


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