Wednesday 5 April 2023


Gail, we keep hearing about this new artificial intelligence thingy, ChatGPT. Do you think maybe it could help me compose a blog post for days when I've nothing much to report? 

Well Nobby, that's an interesting idea. Why don't we give it a go?  


Gail, I am getting a bit tired of seeing the following text appearing on the screen every time we attempt to log in. 

I wonder if any of our friends have tried using this 'large language model', which some say is set to take over the world?

I don't know Nobby, perhaps they'll tell us. Meanwhile I think you'll need to revert to your usual blogging technique.

OK Gail, but I've just had a brilliant idea. We could just rebrand it as ChatWFT to make us sound all modern and clever! And today I'll happily chat about the episode in the park last week when I picked up an empty crisp packet and ran off with it into a dense shrubbery and ignored your calls and successfully evaded capture for about fifteen minutes (gosh that was fun) until I caught sight of one of my dog pals and emerged, furs full of twigs and soil.....

Nobby, oh Nobby, how I wish that episode was a so-called 'hallucination' dreamt up by a computer. I thought we'd agreed your 'resource guarding' behaviour was not big and not clever and you weren't going to post about it....



  1. So there are Chat GPT related drama at momma's law school . . . I think Chat WFT sounds way more fun!

  2. Well Nobby, we, personally hope that we don't have to navigate through all these chats. We like things the way they are, but then we're oldies and aren't bothered about being up to the minute.
    As long as we can read about your exploits, with or without a crisp packet, and see photos of your handsome self and Gail, we'll be quite happy!
    Indy xx

  3. we rather go with natural goofiness than with AI... the mama had such a bot at a shipping company where she tried to trace a parcel... it was a desaster and the mama wrote something very naughty... that was the only thing the idio-bot understood and they blocked the mama... oh my!

  4. Your adventure sounds a whole lot more fun that ChatWFT to me, Nobby!

  5. I'm sure it will be great once the glitches are sorted out . . . Meanwhile, enjoy your usual form of communication, just as we enjoy reading it. TTFN

  6. Nobby, we would rather just have a photo of you napping than some computer generated verbiage to wade through. When we want fiction we'll read a book (or listen to Mr B's sister waffle on); we follow you and others like you to get grounded stuff about every day lives lived in everyday ways, with very normal human and animal events in them. keep being your kind of normal - paw smacks Mr T

  7. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby... seems to me that the GPT thing you were hoping to hide behind, so I am rather glad it set up barriers for you! Now.. about this misdemeanour... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
    (who is not in the least tempted to try any bot. The new pocket tablet was trying to point me at Bard last week. I told it I could make much better words that that Bardard...)

  8. Nobby first I love your new header!! Daffodils are such happy flowers.
    AI you say. I think my brain will probably stay away from that new gadget.
    More thank likely it has more intelligence than I do.
    As for your grab, run, hide story. OMDs I think you are channeling Angel Bertie. His skills in that area were known in the world wide web.
    I wanted to answer your question about where the Hummingbirds spend their winter. We only have one variety here Ruby Throated. They head way down to southern Florida and to the islands off the Coast of Florida
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. the first thing I noticed when you blog opened was the daffodils and YOU... that is why I come here, to see/hear/listen/read about you the nicenobbynaughtynopp WFT! it occurs to me the AI has no knowledge of sweet dogs or their humans, that they can only write about what others have written by stealing there words and thoughts and rearanging them.... about the naught nobby story, did you say you are sorry and will never do it again? BOL BOL

  10. You sure are a cheeky one to run off and not listen to Gail when she calls you, Nobby. We think your true tales are much better than any AI could generate.

  11. TeeHeeHee...I also tend to turn off my "listening ears" when I find something good I do not want to share with Mama!

  12. How about calling it Chat - What The F**k. I used to have speech recognition software called 'Dragon Naturally Speaking' and thought it would be fun to compose posts using it - complete with all the errors (or which there were many) that rendered it hilarious and/or useless. In fact, I still think it would be fun.

  13. There is no way that an AI could be as interesting as a dog

  14. We agree with everyone else...real life pups are way more fun, esp when they snag something to guard and investigate...playing keep away, cannot ever be AI! BOL!

  15. Basket cheese honestly don't have a whole lot of taste as it is but it sure tastes good baked in the meat pie, Nobby!

  16. Oh my! Gail must have been so worried when you took off, but at the core of it, you are a very good pup....or at least, trying to be!


We love it when you woof back!