Friday 18 November 2022

Checking out Aberdeen's new e-bikes

Just recently, clusters of brand new, gleaming white e-bikes have appeared at certain locations on the streets of Aberdeen.

I even spotted three of them in Duthie Park yesterday on my early morning walk. 

Several of my readers have in the past sympathised with my plight at being left at home alone while my owner Gail indulges her enthusiasm for (non-motor assisted) cycling with her Thursday morning ladies. 

I wondered if these new bicycles, available for hire through a scheme recently introduced in the city, might provide a solution.

I checked out the bicycles front and back. I might even have 'christened' one of the tyres, but please don't tell anyone. Each bike even has its own individual name. (I suggest that a certain big dog friend in Florida enlarges the photos below to see what the one I was inspecting is called!) 

Sadly I couldn't see any suitable equipment for facilitating dog transport other than the chihuahua-sized baskets attached to the front handlebars.

Hmm. It seems the e-bikes can be accessed via an app. I asked Gail to show me the website but, can you believe it, there appears to be no provision for carrying 7.5 kg wire-haired fox terriers on these bicycles! 

The good news is that yesterday it was so windy, with heavy rain imminent, that Gail's cycling ladies (most unusually) opted to stay at home and, in one case at least, to tend to the emotional needs of their beloved WFT. 

One has to question whether darkest November was the best time of year for Aberdeen City Council to start up a bike hire scheme....

Does this count as a Nature Friday post? Gail says that, with just the briefest of mentions of local weather conditions, I might be "stretching it a bit". But I do believe that our dear pals the LLB Gang will allow for some latitude in interpretation of their blog hop theme! 


  1. we hope they will make the stay of the peeps in your town to a special one... and maybe some peeps can see the best parts of your town now without traffic jams...... and we hope they will not land in a river like the bikes of pawris....

  2. Nobby, we value your appraisal of those new e-bikes. Carol thinks they are a good idea, and her thoughts run to the idea of actually buying one if she could no longer drive. The local town has quite a few kilometres of cycle tracks - mostly in places people don't want to go!
    There doesn't seem much point in her buying one really, as I'm at least 4 times heavier and four times bigger than you are, so I'd never fit in that basket!
    Lindy xx

  3. Your mom needs to get a bike trailer for you to ride in so you can go along. Winter really doesn't seem like the time to introduce new bikes, but who knows what the city was thinking. Government doesn't make wise decisions very often.

    1. Gail replies: Who knows indeed what the City was thinking! On this and so much else.... (As well as being cold, wet and windy, it barely gets properly light here at this time of year)

  4. The GBGV's are right. The bike can pull you along in a stroller-type contraption that would be very comfy and more roomy for you, Nobby!

  5. I've a feeling that some of these bikes could do with three wheels.

  6. Beau says OMD!! a bike named after him in Scotland! He said you and he can run beside the bike while Gail pedals, Mama is not able to ride a bike, she falls over. Rosey if you read this, we vote yes for nature post, look at those leaves, look at those trees, and a hill full of green grass and people who are outside in RAIN and COLD...

  7. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, I commend you picking out Beau to pay more attention to! I had gone and looked at the website before reading that and noted that there was a bike with the name Yasmine (close but not quite...) and guessed they all had monikers. Nowhere, though, could I find any info on how they keep the bikes powered. Dynamos, perhaps??!!! I note that the scheme is actually private and run by The Big Issue, aiming at employing those who are homeless or otherwise socially challenged... though I guess the council had to agree to the presence of the business, or, as it says in that article I linked, 'collaborated.' Still... definitely an odd launch date! One can only wish the enterprise well. As for you, Nobby dear, I am glad you showed a level of keenness and perhaps Gail will take the hint! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Gail says: almost all e-bikes run on rechargeable batteries and I assume these do too. Presumably the folk hired to maintain the bikes have to keep on top of this. Unfortunately, by far the most common reason given for not cycling in Aberdeen is the lack of safe cycling routes and the new scheme does nothing to address this.

  8. Yes indeedy this definitely counts as Nature. I see the great outdoors everywhere. I think our friend Beau in Florida needs to receive royalties for the use of his name. Those are fine looking bikes. It does seem a bit odd that they are introduced just a winter arrives. I would be able to travel over hills and dales on them.

    From the point of view of a auto driver, I hope and purr you don't get those e-Scooters in Aberdeen. They are a real hazard. Those riding them seem to forget they are sharing the road with vehicles. They don't give any hand signals, stop means speed up. And most are them have no balance.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. How cool that one of the bikes is named after our friend, Beau! We think this post definitely qualifies for Nature Friday. Just looking at the way the flag on top of the pole is standing straight out tells us you were experiencing some very stiff winds!

  10. You were out in 'the climate' Nobby - that has to count as nature. I have been trying to avoid the climate the last few days. I don't even step out to see F off to the train in the mornings. paw smacks Mr T

  11. The beautiful leaves and your hiking themed header more than qualify as nature Friday material, Nobby! As for those bikes, Mama wonders if they'll end up strewn all over the place just like the "rent-a-scooters" she has seen in the tourist cities here in the US.
    Keep us updated!

  12. Nobby ~ you have great taste in bikes ~ and adorable photos of you ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. I think you are getting closer to going on a bike ride. If you pee on a bike you own it

  14. Hello Gail - sorry to get back sooner; it's been tough... but Oscar is pulling through. We've has more trips to the vet and his head randomly swells some days, but every morning is a little better than the last. Yesterday he went for his first walk and even had a short run in the field - and he loved it - as did I !
    I can't tell you how distraught I've been - way way more than I would ever have predicted; I mean, of course, I'd naturally be upset, but truly I've been beside myself with fear that he'll not make it. And then I realised that for the last two and half years he's been by my side all day, almost every day... no wonder.

    1. Gail replies: Thanks for letting me know. I can understand and empathise with your distress and am so relieved that Oscar is improving each day. The first walk/run must have been such a relief and joy.

  15. And nice to see Nobby thriving too. I think of him often as there's a FT on out local beach most days.

  16. We have those bikes all over here in the city...and scooters...everywhere! Our mom hasn't tried them because she is too busy walking US!


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