Wednesday 26 October 2022

A Torridon miscellany

Breathing in the clean, pure Torridon air

Shieldaig's Gaelic graffiti artist fails to keep up

Sheep invade the village of Shieldaig

On second attempt, Gail locates the right car ...

Pink granitic rocks at the Bealach na Gaoithe

A pause to admire the view to Ben Shieldaig 

Stream crossing not attempted this time

Off-piste on the slopes of Beinn Damh


  1. we grinned as we saw the car, the mama had that problem with a black VW golf. all had one in the 80's and she shoveled a car free in winter and then she saw it was NOT hers... oh man!!!

    1. Bwahaha! I wait with interest to see if Gail manages the same feat this winter...

    2. I have an aerial topper for just this problem.

  2. My goodness, you're very fit Nobby!
    What a lovely spot you have to take your holidays in. Just a pity there wasn't a Banksy on that wall, rather than the silly graffiti. Someone must be carrying a ladder to reach that height!
    Had to laugh at the mix-up with the cars - I have the same problem sometimes, when everyone seems to have a little silver Peugeot!
    Carol xx

  3. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, that was a grand and eclectic mix of views... but I would like an update on the Shieldaig wall from your next visit, when I hope there will have been further amendments! Congrats on that recall, BTW - I was telling you 'good boy' through the screen! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. You have excellent recall, Nobby. The landscape is just gorgeous! How not fair for that car to park right next to yours and try to confuse Gail!

    1. Gail says: Nobby's recall is not too bad, but it all falls apart if he's found another dog to play with!

  5. BOLBOL Nobby I think you might have been expecting a wee treat for your prompt response to Gail's call?! I might have giggled.
    I must say I agree with your kennel owner who said Gail had done a fine job making you a perfect WFT.
    That certainly was a roaring rushing white water stream and I loved the granite.
    Hugs cecilia

  6. Thanks for taking us around Torridon with you, Nobby. What a beautiful place it is to visit.

  7. Oh Nobby you are such a good boy to come when Gail Calls. so proud of you. At first i did not notice the double car thing because I was worried you had to ride home in the trunk because you did not come fast enough. HA HA, I know that is not true. I once got upset because my remote would not open the car door. turns out I was two down from the identical one I was trying to open.

  8. Our Mama was also calling "Good Boy" at your recall Nobby...and then grumbling that she wished my recall was that good!

    Beautiful Torridon views!

  9. Such a pretty area. Your graffiti artists must be really tall.

  10. That is one beautiful recall! And evidences a LOT of work.

  11. Petcretary is envious, because Benji and Dalton might come on command if there is nothing happening, but if they have distractions, they pay her no heed at all. At least that is in or own yard, they never leave it without being harnessed and leashed up.

    Your area is SO beautiful!


We love it when you woof back!