Friday 10 June 2022

Macro mania in Ballogie Woods

When we went for a walk this week in the woods and Gail got out her phone, I naturally assumed that it would be me she wanted to photograph. 

After all it usually is.

But for once, I was wrong. It seems my owner has recently discovered her phone camera's 'macro' function (for taking close-ups), and so every few yards she would stop, kneel on the ground and zoom in on the pretty but mostly rather small wildflowers in bloom just now.
Chickweed wintergreen



Mouse ear

Crane's bill

You already know that I am generally a Good Boy when Gail starts coming over all botanical, and for the most part I waited patiently when she found yet more different species to photograph.


Yellow pimpernel



But I'm sure you'll understand that the forbearance of a young WFT does have its limits...

Happy Nature Friday friends. I'm off!


  1. oh we love the white flower... it looks like a star ;O) happy furryday ear nobby

  2. The flowers are very pretty Nobby, but I can understand your frustration. We have some of those on the roadside verges, but there's a limit to how often, or how long you can admire them!
    Inca xx

  3. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, not only am I super impressed at your forbearance and understanding of Gail's need to use the camera frequently (and most effectively!), but I have also learned a new name for Potentilla (a flower my mother much loved - she was a natural dyer of her yarns and the root of this one figured in some of that!)... Tormentil seems to me to be a name given by someone much frustrated with it for some reason!!! What an incredible natural bouquet you have been able to present us today. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx (who hopes you found some excellent 'sniffings' as you forbore...)

    1. Gail says: Tormentil is the common name for the species Potentilla erecta. My wildflower book lists thirteen species in the genus Potentilla, and if one includes the garden varieties there are very many more. Interestingly (to me anyway!) Potentilla are also known as 'cinquefoils' and most, including the one in my front garden, do have five petals, but Tormentil, only has four!

  4. What beautiful wild flowers. Mom has always been a fan of vetch. Have fun exploring, Nobby!

  5. You all found some pretty flowers. It is nice to have something for your mom to do on your walks and then you get some time for yourself too.

  6. my favorite flower is the NOT scarlet but yellow Pimpernell. wow. all the flowers are beautiful and you were sooooo good to let her play with her macro, until of course you bolted for the woods... now i wonder if my cell has a hidden macro

  7. Nobby you are a most patient WFT...but I agree there comes a time when...enough is enough. Gail oh my word you introduced us to so many new flowers and blooms. The mouse ear and lousewort names made me giggle such pretty flowers and funny names.
    Happy Friday to you and Gail

  8. Those are all such pretty flowers Gail found. Thanks for being so patient and allowing her to take all those pictures, Nobby.

  9. Nobby, I love looking at the photos of flowers near Aberdeen (which are so different from flowers anywhere I have lived) almost as much as I love looking at photos of you!

  10. First off Nobby, we want to say you are an expert rock climber!! Thanks so much for letting Gail experiment with her phone camera and the macro setting because WOW, those are some beautiful wildflowers!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Sunny

  11. Nobby, We are glad you let your mom take all those pretty macro flower pictures! What a delight!

    Though we love seeing you, too...and then you were OFF!

  12. BOL, a terrier can only be good for so long.

  13. Here is an important lesson. You need to stop and appreciate the flowers.

  14. We have visited you twice today Nobby, once to admire Gail's flower knowledge and photos (and to get the linky tools) and again to study your fine portraits. Your woods look delightful. Paw smacks Mr T

  15. Lovely floral macro shots but you Nobby are the best ~ so cute ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter, and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Try as I might I can't leave comments on your lovely blog from my phone... will just have to save it for photos. I like it that I can take photos and identify later and don't have to pick the flowers which you're not supposed to do anyway. I have tried using Plant Snap app with mixed results - mostly I just use a little field guide. And Nobby - you can't hog all the camera roll - just like Oscar tries to do here in Wales!

  17. Those are lovely shots of the wild flowers, but we are most impressed with YOU, being so good off leash, well, until the end of the walk!


We love it when you woof back!