Friday, 28 June 2024

Not for the squeamish

So we made it safely down to Nottingham (a long drive), but while I am enjoying ear scritches from our lovely friend Janet, Gail wants me to post a wee Nature Friday action video, shot in the garden in Torridon last weekend.

Did you know that these wee orange and black characters are Common Sexton Beetles? So called 'cos they locate dead and decaying animals (like the slow worm in the video) and take the corpses somewhere to bury, then they feed and breed on them.


If you really want to, you can read more about these beetle here.

Happy Nature Friday  friends!

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Heading south

Just rushing over to let you know we are about to head down south to England for a week. 

Gail says I'm to be on best behaviour when we're visiting family and friends. 

I can't believe she feels the need to tell me that... 

We'll be keeping in touch.


Monday, 24 June 2024

A polite thank you note to friends

Torridon, 23rd July 2024

Dear Tess and Richard,

Just a quick note to thank you both for accompanying Gail and me on such a stunning hike around Beinn na h-Eaglaise earlier today.

Didn't the weather turn out lovely?

And I even enjoyed the 'off-piste' section of the walk that Gail said might be rather rough and boggy. But Tess, it didn't take me long to work out that you are the best person to follow across uneven terrain.  

I hope everyone appreciated me leading the way when it came to the dangerous stream crossings. 

You might have noticed that I strayed out of earshot when the conversation turned to the forthcoming UK General Election. Who could possibly want to hear more about Labour's so-called 'Ming vase strategy'? And anyway, I get it that you'll all be happy to see the back of the current government. 

But here in the NW Highlands, we're (thankfully) a long, long way from Westminster...

Oh, and finally, I want you to know that Gail checked me thoroughly for ticks when we got home and didn't find any. Phew!

So Tess and Richard, I do hope you have as much fun in the rest of your week in Torridon as we had today. 


Friday, 21 June 2024

A good decision

Every once in a while, I have to give my owner credit for making the right decision.

Wednesday was a case in point.

Initially the plan was to go for a hike up and around Scolty, a favourite hill which long time readers might remember from past posts. Our regular route is about four miles, give or take. 

But gosh it was such a lovely bright, fresh and sunny day that Gail decided to put in an extra loop, northwards down to the river, almost doubling the length of the walk. 

Excellent decision! 

On the way up the hill I posed nicely for a 'fox terrier with foxgloves' shot. 

Then as we approached the summit monument I waited patiently for Gail to catch up. 

I'll admit my patience wore thin at the top. Gail was spending far too long gawping at the fine panorama of Aberdeenshire hills, and so I went in search of new friends, human or canine.

On the way down the hill I yet again had to pause for Gail. 

By the time we'd reached the river, after covering nearly seven miles in the sweltering heat of a Scottish midsummer*, I was more than ready for a refreshing dip in the Dee. 

*Gail says: Nobby exaggerates (not for the first time). It was in fact about 17ºC, with a fresh breeze.

Once again I'm delighted to join  this blog hop, hosted by the LLB Gang. I hope all my Nature Friday friends have been out and about enjoying some splendid weather too! 

Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Watching the Euro 2024 football tournament

So I was happily stationed at my favourite back of the sofa vantage point when Gail rudely told me I was blocking her view of the football on telly, and would I please get out of the way. 

I refrained from pointing out that if she ever thought to acquire a TV with a screen bigger than a postage stamp, it really wouldn't be a problem.

Instead, I turned around to watch the France versus Austria action for a minute or two but, you know what, football (soccer to my readers in the USA) really isn't my thing. 

Soon I retreated onto the other sofa, and stayed there for the remainder of the match, deploying my full range of 'Nobby at Rest' poses.

PS To preserve the peace in this household, I am refraining from any discussion of games in this tournament involving my team (Scotland) or Gail's team (England)...

Monday, 17 June 2024

Not barbecue weather...

Gosh I was disappointed.

How I was looking forward to Deeside Dog Agility Club's 'Fun Show BBQ' on Sunday. 

Can you imagine a better day out? Just imagine all those juicy sausages...

But the signs were ominous on Sunday's early morning walk...

And yes you've guessed it. The message came through shortly afterwards. "BBQ cancelled due to heavy rain".


At least we had enjoyed a nice ramble around the Drum Castle estate with friends M,J and K the day before. 

The sun even shone for a short while. And best of all, after the walk through the woods I made a new friend in the castle courtyard café. She's called Diva. Isn't she splendid? 

Friday, 14 June 2024

Buttercups versus Puffins

Well I thought readers would like to see a nice photo of me standing amid the buttercups for today's Nature Friday post. 

But, for the second week in a row, it seems Gail wants to shoehorn in some pictures of her own, taken on outings when I was not present.

Last week it was Slovenia, this week it was her Thursday bicycle ride, when she and four pals pedalled down from Aberdeen to the RSPB's Fowlsheugh Nature Reserve for a spot of puffin spotting.

It seems they were successful, and although I am not convinced that even Gail's best puffin photo passes my usual stringent quality threshold, I understand it was probably better that my owner did not attempt to scramble down the cliffs in search of the perfect shot...

Thank you once again to our LLB Gang friends for hosting Nature Friday, always our favourite blog hop. 

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Soaking up the love

Readers, you were entirely correct in guessing that the reason for our recent trip down to Edinburgh was not, in fact, to attend one of Taylor Swift's three weekend gigs at Murrayfield Stadium. 

It turns out that Caryl, a lovely American lady Gail met 18 months ago on her Cuba bike tour, was in town for a couple of days and Gail had promised to take her for a hike up that well known Edinburgh landmark, Arthur's Seat, on Monday morning, 

We were super-lucky that some other lovely friends, John and Françoise, were in residence at their top floor flat in a beautiful Victorian house near the Edinburgh University King's Buildings, and they kindly allowed us to stay there overnight. 

I made myself quite at home, of course. 

On Monday morning we found Caryl, finishing her breakfast in a congenial and dog-friendly café in the Canonmills area of Edinburgh.

This intrepid Florida-based lady had just completed a cycling tour around northwest Scotland. She'd been doing battle with gale force winds (not uncommon in this part of the world) and was undaunted by the prospect of ascending Edinburgh's famous extinct volcano.

The weather was fine, and how wrong Gail was in thinking it might be quiet up there on a Monday morning. A good proportion of the plus 200,000 fans who'd attended Taylor Swift's concerts at the weekend appeared to have stayed on and were also clambering around the craggy summit of Arthur's Seat, enjoying the spectacular view of the city. 

On the way down we ran into these delightfully attired young ladies from London.

I do believe that meeting me was the highlight of their trip to Scotland's capital city, although Gail is cautioning me against entering into a popularity contest with a certain Miss 'Tay-Tay'! She says I wouldn't want to inspire the megastar to write a song about my shortcomings...

Anyway, all in all it was a splendid couple of days.